我仍在学习有关 PHP 的更多有趣细节。示例:从 MySQL 迁移到 MySQLi。我目前正在做的是尝试输入这样的内容:http ://music.daum.net/artist/main?artist_id=2289
- 主要的?
- 艺术家 ID=
- 2289
我怎样才能制作这样的页面?我有 2 个部分可用,并会在弄清楚这一点时制作其他部分。
- 艺术家信息(可作为testhub-artist.php 获得)
- 专辑(可作为testhub-artistalbum.php 获得)
- 音乐视频
- 照片部分
//Connect to ...
include "testhub-artist.php";
include "testhub-artistalbum.php";
//Connect to database
include "mysqli_connect.php";
// Construct our join query
$sql = "SELECT * FROM individuals WHERE soloID = 1";
// Create results
$result = mysqli_query($link, $sql);
// Checking if query is successful
// Print out the contents of each row into a table
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_BOTH)){
// If else states on each variable
if ($profilepic = $row['profilepic']){
$profilepic = $row['profilepic'];
$profilepic = "DamjuNoImage";
if ($engname = $row['engname']){
$engname = $row['engname'];
$engname = "Unknown";
if ($korname = $row['korname']){
$korname = $row['korname'];
$korname = "Unknown";
if ($engbn = $row['engbn']){
$engbn = $row['engbn'];
$engbn = "Unknown";
if ($korbn = $row['korbn']){
$korbn = $row['korbn'];
$korbn = "Unknown";
if ($dateofbirth = $row['dateofbirth']){
$dateofbirth = $row['dateofbirth'];
$dateofbirth = "Unknown";
if ($occupation = $row['occupation']){
$occupation = $row['occupation'];
$occupation = "Unknown";
if ($debut = $row['debut']){
$debut = $row['debut'];
$debut = "Unknown";
if ($recordlabel = $row['recordlabel']){
$recordlabel = $row['recordlabel'];
$recordlabel = "Unknown";
if ($officialsite = $row['officialsite']){
$officialsite = $row['officialsite'];
$officialsite = "#";
if ($sitename = $row['sitename']){
$sitename = $row['sitename'];
$sitename = "Unknown";
} // End of while statement
$engname = "Unknown";
$korname = "Unknown";
$engbn = "Unknown";
$korbn = "Unknown";
$dateofbirth = "Unknown";
$occupation = "Unknown";
$debut = "Unknown";
$recordlabel = "Unknown";
$officialsite = "#";
$sitename = "Unknown";
} // End of If statement
// Free result set
//connect to db
include "mysqli_connect.php";
//check for a page number. If not, set it to page 1
if (!(isset($_GET['albumpage']))){
$albumpage = 1;
$albumpage = $_GET['albumpage'];
//query for record count to setup pagination
$sqli = "SELECT * FROM albums WHERE soloID = 3";
$album_data = mysqli_query($link, $sqli);
$album_rows = mysqli_num_rows($album_data);
//number of photos per page
$album_pagerows = 4;
//get the last page number
$last_album = ceil($album_rows/$album_pagerows);
//make sure the page number isn't below one, or more than last page num
if ($albumpage < 1){
$albumpage = 1;
}elseif ($albumpage > $last_album){
$albumpage = $last_album;
//Set the range to display in query
$max_album = 'limit ' .($albumpage - 1) * $album_pagerows .',' .$album_pagerows;
//get all of the photos
$albumList = "";
$sqli2 = "SELECT * FROM albums WHERE soloID = 3 ORDER BY releasedate DESC $max_album";
$album_sql = mysqli_query($link, $sqli2);
//check for photos
$albumCount = mysqli_num_rows($album_sql);
if ($albumCount > 0){
while($album_rows = mysqli_fetch_array($album_sql)){
$albumID = $album_rows["albumID"];
$albumpic = $album_rows["albumpic"];
$title = $album_rows["albumTitle"];
$releasedate = $album_rows["releasedate"];
$page = $album_rows["page"];
$albumList .= '
<li class="albumthumb">
<a href="' . $page . '" title="' . $title . '"><img class="profile" src="../albums/album_th/' . $albumpic . '.jpg" alt="' . $albumpic . '" width="120" height="120" border="0" /><p class="datatitle">' . $title . '</p></a><p class="data-releasedate">' . $releasedate . '</p>
$albumList = "There are no available albums at this time!";
抱歉没有解释清楚。我希望在制作像 url 这样的个人资料页面时能够使用分页。我想使用url中的数字来更改sql代码中的id(soloID)。
节省时间的好主意,对吧?MySQLi 每次我看到它都会变得更容易。
已更改 2012 年 5 月 31 日下午 5:44 CT
$artist = $_GET['artist_id']
$artist = $_GET['artist_id'];
$artist = 1;