我的碰撞代码应该反转 x 速度并将其减少到三分之一,然后当玩家没有按“A”或“D”键时,速度应该慢慢减少到零,但是,一旦玩家碰撞速度仅减少到 0.25 和 0.70 之间的小数(根据先前的方向,正数或负数。)
//Function to determine what to do with keys
function KeyHandler():void{
//A Key Handlers
if(aKeyPressed == true){
if(Math.abs(_vx) < MaxSpeed){
_vx += -6;
//Player _vx somehow won't hit zero!!!
else if(aKeyPressed == false){
if(_vx < 0){
_vx += 1;
//D Key Handlers
if(dKeyPressed == true){
if(Math.abs(_vx) < MaxSpeed){
_vx += 6;
else if(dKeyPressed == false){
if( _vx > 0){
_vx += -1;
//W Key Handlers
if(wKeyPressed == true){
if(Jumped == false){
_vy = -15;
Jumped = true;
else if(wKeyPressed == false){
//Code for Right Collision
Player.x -= 0.1;
RightCollision = false;
if(_boundaries.hitTestPoint((Player.x + (Player.width / 2)), (Player.y - (Player.height / 2)), true)){RightCollision = true;}
_vx *= -.33
//Code for Left Collision
Player.x += 0.1;
LeftCollision = false;
if(_boundaries.hitTestPoint((Player.x - (Player.width / 2)), (Player.y - (Player.height / 2)), true)){LeftCollision = true;}
_vx *= -.33