我有一个 FORTRAN 代码,它调用 C 例程来计算度量。FORTRAN 代码是:

program fortran
implicit none
double precision function fpli_hv(A, d, n)
real :: A(5,3)
integer :: d, n
end function fpli_hv
end interface
real :: A(5,3)
double precision :: HV
integer :: i, j
A(1,:) = (/1.1,3.2,2.0/)
A(2,:) = (/6.3,5.2,7.2/)
A(3,:) = (/3.3,4.4,9.1/)
A(4,:) = (/3.3,5.2,2.1/)
A(5,:) = (/7.6,1.7,4.3/)
HV = fpli_hv(A, 3, 5)
end program fortran  

c 函数如下所示:

double fpli_hv(double *front, int d, int n, double *ref);  

为了加入 c 和 fortran,我需要在我的 makefile 中包含一个 Makefil.lib。我这样做了,并准备了我的makefile,如下所示:

# The makefile should contain a set of suffix rules. All suffixes must
# be defined. In this case we will have .o for object files, .c for
# C files, and .f for Fortran files.
.SUFFIXES: .o .c .f90

LIBHV = /gpfs0/home/shafiiha/programs/hv-2.0rc1-src/fpli_hv.a
#include Makefile.lib

# Define the C and Fortran compilers to be used in this makefile:
FC=gfortran -ffree-form -c

# Define flags to be used by the C and Fortran compilers:
CFLAGS =    

# Define include to be used by the C and Fortran compilers:
F_INCLUDES = fortran.f90

# The linker executable in this case must be the MPI Fortran compiler
# to build a mixed C and Fortran MPI code:
LINK = gfortran

# Define values of parameters that appear in the source codes:

# Define the list of object files for the linker. The linker will use
# those files to build the executable.
OBJECTS = fortran.o

# The rule that makes the drv executable (note that libraries have
# been specified by the mpif90 linker):
fortran: $(OBJECTS) 
    $(LINK) -o fortran $(OBJECTS) $(LIBHV)

# The rule that makes all object files from C sources:

# The rule that makes all object files from Fortran sources:
    $(FC)  $(FFLAGS)  $(F_INCLUDES) $^ $(LIBHV)

# The rule for deleting object files no longer needed after using
# make for drv:
    rm  *.o


gfortran -o fortran fortran.o /gpfs0/home/shafiiha/programs/hv-2.0rc1-src/fpli_hv.a  
fortran.o: In function `MAIN__':  
fortran.f90:(.text+0x548): undefined reference to `fpli_hv_'  
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status  
make: *** [fortran] Error 1  



3 回答 3


在这个时代,从 Fortran 调用 C 的最佳方式是使用 ISO C 绑定。您的问题是 Fortran 默认情况下为避免与 C 或标准库的例程发生冲突而进行的名称修改,通常添加下划线。使用 ISO C 绑定,您既可以指定被调用例程的确切名称,覆盖名称修饰,又可以轻松实现参数的 Fortran-C 一致性。在 Fortran 端,您编写一个描述 C 例程的接口。这里有以前的答案,gfortran 手册中有示例。这些示例并不是 gfortran 独有的,因为 ISO C 绑定是 Fortran 2003 语言标准的一部分。

于 2012-05-31T15:52:00.360 回答

如果你已经在做接口(这很棒!)那么你也可以使用大多数 fortran 编译器的最新版本已经必须避免担心下划线和字母大小写的 iso_c_binding 模块以及你有什么:

  function fpli_hv(A, d, n) bind(C)
   use iso_c_binding
   implicit none

   real(kind=c_double) :: fpli_hv
   integer(kind=c_int), value :: d, n
   real(kind=c_float) :: A(5,3)

  end function fpli_hv
end interface
于 2012-05-31T15:53:29.973 回答

double fpli_hv(double *front, int d, int n, double *ref); 

void FPLI_HV_(double *front, int* d, int* n, double *ref, double* returnvalue); 

Fortran 对象只理解以 _ 结尾的东西,所有函数传递都是指针。


于 2012-05-31T15:25:33.510 回答