用另一个只有一个列表项ul的嵌入标记 HTML 中的 a 在语义上是否正确?ul

例如,我有一个ul带有多个lis 的 a,其中一个lis 嵌入ul了一个s li

  <li>Example LI 1
        <li>Example LI 1a</li>
  <li>Example LI 2</li>
  <li>Example LI 3</li>

3 回答 3



于 2012-05-31T13:53:37.230 回答

是的,如果使用正确,拥有一个包含单个项目的列表在语义上是正确的,即使它确实感觉有点奇怪(如果只有一个项目,它就不是一个真正的列表,因为根据定义,一个列表就是一个列表item​<strong> s,否则它只是一个项目)。


<h1>Auto Insurance Customers</h1>

      <li>2003 Ford Focus</li>
      <li>1998 Ford Escort</li>

      <li>1999 Lamborghini Diablo VT Roadster</li>





完成此操作的正确方法是将该部分包装在另一个标记中(如<blockquote>、 styled<div>等)并将其留在该列表项的常规流程中。在以下示例中,需要突出显示列表项之一的一部分。将其放入(单项)列表中是错误的做法:

<h1>Blog posts or something…&lt;/h1>

    <p>Some long paragraph about Foos, what they do, how they work, etc.</p>
    <p>More information about Foos and where they originated.</p>
    <p>Instructions on care and feeding of Foos.</p>

    <p>Detailed description of local watering holes for lawyers.</p>
    <p>Anecdotes about experiences of drinking & lawyering.</p>

    <!-- This section is to be highlighted and offset to draw attention to it from the rest of this list item. -->
        <p>Highlighted account of the subsequent problems and what happened that one strange night.</p>

    <p>Summary of what to not do when out drinking with lawyers.</p>

    <strong>Baaz Luhrmann</strong>
    <p>A bunch of stuff about a brass-skinned movie director who made a widely-panned film adaptation of a Shakespeare play who turns to stone and traps your sword when he dies.



  p.highlight {
    margin : 20px 50px;
    width  : 150px;

    <p>Detailed description of local watering holes for lawyers.</p>
    <p>Anecdotes about experiences of drinking and lawyering.</p>

    <!-- This section is to be highlighted and offset to draw attention to it from the rest of this list item. -->
    <p class="highlight">
      Highlighted account of the subsequent problems and what happened that one strange night.

    <p>Summary of what to not do when out drinking with lawyers.</p>
于 2013-02-11T21:06:57.713 回答

根据dictionary.com,列表是有意义地分组的项目系列,而系列是一组相似或相关的项目。(oxforddictionaries.com 和 thefreedictionary.com 的结果相似。)任何仅包含一项的内容都不能包含有意义的分组或内容之间的相似性或相关性。因此,对于单项列表,标记的语义与内容的语义不匹配。

单项列表似乎也不符合人们说“列表”时的意思。(关于这一点,当代词典更注重记录常见用法而不是正确用法(这就是为什么 OED 中出现“bling”的原因)。)


<p>XYZ is the only computer that crashed.</p>

     The computer that crashed:

          The computer that crashed:
于 2012-06-01T17:50:00.030 回答