
  • 用户将打开一个页面network_form.html,即填写包含两个字段的表单(参见 form.py)
  • 提交该表格后。服务器将根据这两个字段进行计算,并将计算的数据渲染到另一个页面,即subnet_network.html
  • 看看from.py:

     class SubnetCreateFrom(forms.Form):
         Subnet_Address = forms.CharField(max_length=40)
         IP_Address = forms.CharField(max_length=40)

    现在我想提交这些表单字段并希望在这些字段的基础上处理一些查询。所以,我写了以下 vies.py:

     def subnet_network(request):
       if request.method == 'POST':
          form = SubnetCreateFrom(request.POST)
          if form.is_valid():
             subnet = form.data['Subnet_Address']
             ip = form.data['IP_Address']
             # Here i am manipulating the data using the above subnet and ip fields and pass the data in the form of parameter to the follwing method. i.e. get_host_list
             subnet_network_detail(request,get_hosts_list) #[1]
             return HttpResponseRedirect('../../list/')
     extra_context = {
         'form': SubnetCreateFrom(initial={'user': request.user.pk})
     return direct_to_template(request, 'networks/network_form.html',


      <form action="" method="POST">
            {{ form.as_p }}
        <input type="submit" value="{% trans "Show Host" %}"/>

    当用户在单击提交按钮后填写表单时。Ot 应该打开一个显示处理数据的新页面,即get_host_list. 这就是为什么我从上面定义的 subnet_network 方法的中间调用了一个 subnet_network_detail 方法,以便我们可以将该数据渲染到下一个模板。这是正确的方法吗?

    subnet_network_detail 的定义如下:(也在同一个views.py中)

     def subnet_network_detail(request,list_hosts):
        extra_context = {
           'subnet_hosts': list_hosts
        return direct_to_template(request, 'networks/subnet_network.html',

    上述方法的 URL 模式如下:

        'subnet_network', name='subnet_network'),
        'subnet_network_detail', name='subnet_network_detail')

    URL 模式是否有问题。为什么我无法呈现从SubnetCreateForm另一个模板访问的数据,即subnet_network.html. 这是调用该方法或将数据呈现到模板的正确方法吗?

    当我检查 pdb 将其放在不同的不同位置时,会发生以下事情:

    [1] I used the python debugger at this position and it shows an error i.e. subnet_network_detail receiving one parameter and you are passing it two
    [2] After removing the pdb syntax from [1] and putting at this position i check whether the data is passing to this function or not and it was. I am getting the data what i want in list_hosts variable 
    And also after removing the pdb syntax from [2] position it redirect to the page what we have written in HttpResponseRedirect in the first method

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