use Term::ReadKey qw(ReadKey ReadMode);
use autodie qw(:all);
use IO::Handle qw();
use Fatal qw( open );
my $directory = "codes"; #directory's name
opendir (DIR, $directory) or die "I can't open the directory $directory :$ \n"; #open the dir
my @allFiles; #array of all the files
while (my $file = readdir(DIR)) { #read each file from the directory
next if ($file =~ m/^\./); #exclude it if it starts with '.'
push(@allFiles, $file); #add file to the array
closedir(DIR); #close the input directory
my $filesNr = scalar(grep {defined $_} @allFiles); #get the size of the files array
my $randomNr = int(rand($filesNr)); #generate a random number in the given range (size of array)
$file = @allFiles[$randomNr]; #get the file at given index
open IN, $file or die "I can't open the file :$ \n"; #read the given file
ReadMode('cbreak'); #don't print the user's input
while (my $line = <IN>) { #read each line from file
foreach my $i (split //, $line) { #split the line in characters (including \n & \t)
print "$i" if ReadKey(); #if keys are pressed, print the inexed char
ReadMode('restore') #deactivate 'cbreak' read mode