我有一个项目,其中包含许多 webapps 和 jsps,并且可以构建为 .war 文件。

我现在需要说服 Netbeans 和 Maven 同时构建 Tomcat-7 版本和 Tomcat-5 版本。有人能指出我正确的方向吗?

我还希望能够包含不同的 web.xml,具体取决于我为哪个客户构建,但我怀疑一旦上述问题得到解答,我可能会自己实现这一点。

我想我需要在我的 pom 文件中使用两个配置文件,但我不知道我需要在每个配置文件中选择什么:

a) The correct jdk to compile with (JDK 6 for TC-7 and JDK 5 for TC-5)
b) The correct version of the javax libraries.

我正在使用 Netbeans 7.1.2。


1 回答 1


The optimal result would be having one war file that will work on both Tomcat 5 and Tomcat 7 and is the same for every customer.

You can use maven profiles to adopt the build for every customer but I recommend to externalize the individual config into JNDI or an external properties file read via some environment variable. Spring offers the PropertyResolverconfigurer to do that (for example)

Since you want to support Tomcat 5 I guess your project builds with Java 1.5? That should run on Tomcat 7 as well.

The javax dependencies should have scope provided in your pom.xml files. So they will not be deployed. If your application requires a specific version of a jar that is part of tomcat already you may be able to solve that with profiles as well. But this may conflict with per-customer profiles.

If there a big differences between your Tomcat 5 and Tomcat 7 version it may be an idea to create 3 modules - all using packaging "war". One containing the 'neutral' files, one containing the tomcat 5 files and one the tomcat 7 files. The tomcat projects would use the neutral module as war file dependency and maven will do a war overlay. So one build would produce both tomcat 5 and tomcat 7 version (and a neutral war file that is not used for deployment).

according to http://tomcat.apache.org/whichversion.html the minimum java version from tomcat 5 is java 1.4. But that relates to what the tomcat is running on. A tomcat 7 should be able to run Java 1.5 bytecode as well. Just its JDK is 1.6. You could use 1.5 for the source and target version of the maven-compiler-plugin to target both version.

But I think it should be possible to create a tomcat 5 build that will run on tomcat 7 as well. Do you have any dependencies that conflict between the two versions? or do you pre-compile the jsp files?

For the maven build you will need just one jdk (1.6) to be able to compile sources for an older target version too.

于 2012-07-17T12:57:01.067 回答