def someA
(in trait B
)如何使用trait A
与 in 相同C#MyType
?(然后A#MyType =:= B#MyType
trait C {
type MyType
trait A {
self: C =>
def doSomething(s: MyType) { println(s.toString)}
trait B {
self: C =>
def someA: A
def myType: MyType
def action = someA.doSomething(myType)
// Mix part
case class Ahoy(value: String)
trait ConcreteC extends C {
type MyType = Ahoy
class PieceOfCake extends B with ConcreteC {
val someA = new A with ConcreteC
val myType = Ahoy("MyType")
[error] found : B.this.MyType
[error] required: _1.MyType where val _1: A
[error] def action = someA.doSomething(myType))