在 Rails 3.2.3 中取得 wicked_pdf 生成 PDF 的进展。但是,我希望能够将我的页面上的链接作为 .html.erb 文件中的 HTML 呈现到屏幕上,但是当我查看从该模板生成的 PDF 时,我不想看到这些链接。
我曾尝试遵循 Ryan Bates 在 PDFKit Railscast 220 中所做的事情,但它在 Rails 3.2.3 和 Ruby 1.9.3 上对我不起作用。
<h2>Client Setup (Only when Patients module is not available)</h2>
The setup program installs your Clients module using default settings. After the installation, you can use this program to customize settings to meet your particular needs.
<%= pdf_image_tag("clients/blank/.png", alt: "Client Setup (Only when Patients Module is not available) - not-populated") %>
<th>Form Item</th>
<td>Default Value Added Tax (Percent)</td>
The package offers a default Value Added Tax, expressed as a percentage of the invoice, to be added to the invoice. Numbers from 0 to 999.99 are allowed.
<hr />
<form class="form-inline">
<a href="#to_top" class="btn btn-to_top btn-mini">Back to Top</a>
<%= link_to "Genie Help Index", help_path, class: "btn btn-main-menu pdf_link" %>
<p id="pdf_link"><%= link_to "Client Help Index", static_page_path("clients/index"), class: "btn btn-help" %></p>
<%= link_to "Download PDF", static_page_path(:format => :pdf), class: "btn btn-pdf" %>
<%= link_to image_tag("file_type_pdf.png", height: "24px", width: "24px" , alt: "Download page as PDF"), static_page_path(:format => :pdf) %>
<p><%= link_to "Client Help Index", static_page_path("clients/index") %></p>
<p><%= link_to "Download as PDF", static_page_path(:format => "pdf"), class: "pdf_link" %></p>
<p id="pdf_link"><%= link_to "Download as PDF", static_page_path(:format => :pdf) %></p>
<% if request.try(:format).to_s == 'pdf' %>
<%= link_to "Download this PDF", static_page_path(:format => "pdf") %>
<% end %>
#<% if params[:media] = 'all' %>
# <%= link_to "Download me as a PDF", static_page_path(:format => "pdf") %>
#<% end %>
<div id="pdf-no"><%= link_to "Get me as a PDF file", static_page_path(:format => "pdf") %></div>
class StaticPages::GenieHelpController < ApplicationController
def static_page
respond_to do |format|
format.html do
render :template => show_page,
:layout => 'application'
format.pdf do
render :pdf => show_page,
:layout => 'generic',
:template => "#{show_page}.html.erb",
:handlers => :erb,
:disable_external_links => true,
:print_media_type => true
views/layouts/generic.pdf.erb 文件中的布局文件如下:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title><%= full_title(yield(:title)) %></title>
<%= wicked_pdf_stylesheet_link_tag "static_pages/genie_v23_help", :refer_only => true %>
<!-- <%#= wicked_pdf_stylesheet_link_tag "static_pages/pdf" %> -->
<%= javascript_include_tag "application" %>
<%= csrf_meta_tags %>
<div class="container">
<%= yield %>
<%= debug(params) if Rails.env.development? %>
旧位置 public/stylesheets/static_pages/genie_help.css 中对应的 css 文件:
@media print {
body { background-color: LightGreen; }
#container {
width: auto;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
border: 2px;
#pdf_link {
display: none;
.pdf_link {
display: none;
#pdf-no {
当我呈现 html 页面时,当格式为 html 时,底部的链接会显示(如预期的那样)。
我做错了什么。我假设如果它可以通过 PDFKit 的中间件完成,那么它在 wkhtmltopdf 下得到支持,因为 PDFKit 和 wicked_pdf 都基于此。