我写了一个绘制 jpGraph 线图的代码。X 轴包含时间值,即小时 01:00、02:00 等。Y 轴包含频率数。问题是 X 轴从 01:00 开始,尽管我希望它从 00:00 开始。有谁知道为什么会发生这种情况以及如何避免这种转变?

    include_once ( "../jpgraph-3.5.0b1/src/jpgraph.php");
    include_once ("../jpgraph-3.5.0b1/src/jpgraph_bar.php");
    include_once ("../jpgraph-3.5.0b1/src/jpgraph_line.php");
    include_once ("../jpgraph-3.5.0b1/src/jpgraph_date.php");
    include_once "../jpgraph-3.5.0b1/src/jpgraph_canvas.php";

//...data array

        $totalSec = 0; $stepSec = 60;
        $ntimepoints = 1440;
        $datax = array(); 
        $datay = array();
        for( $i=0; $i < $ntimepoints; $i++ ) {
            $datax[$i] = $totalSec;
            $datay[$i] = numberOfFits($data,$totalSec);
            $totalSec = $totalSec + $stepSec;

        // Create the new graph
        $graph = new Graph(1200,300,"auto");

        // Slightly larger than normal margins at the bottom to have room for
        // the x-axis labels

        // Fix the Y-scale and use date for the x-axis

        // Set the angle for the labels to 90 degrees

        // Set up font for axis
        $graph->yaxis->title->Set("Nr of resources");

        // Set up X-axis title (color &amp; font)



        $line = new LinePlot($datay,$datax);



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