I have an array of images that I want to loop through infinitely ie. 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3...

At first, I tried to do this using the following code:

var images = [

var obj = { currentValue: 0 };
var maxValue = 2;            

//loop through the items
var infiniteLoop = setInterval(function() {
  if(obj.currentValue == maxValue) { 
    obj.currentValue = 0;                                           

  // ... Code to fade in currentItem ...

}, 5000);

I'd read that this is correct method of passing in a variable by reference but for some reason, I'm never able to set the obj.currentValue back to 0 when all the images have been looped through.

I figured an alternative way would be to set the value of an html field:

var images = [

var maxValue = 2;            

//loop through the items
var infiniteLoop = setInterval(function() {
  if(parseInt($('#currentItem').val()) == maxValue) { 

  //... code to fade in currentItem ...

  var tmp = parseInt($('#currentItem').val());
}, 5000);

<input type="hidden" id="currentItem" name="currentItem" value="0" />

However I'm still having the same problem. For some reason, whenever I hit the end of the image list, I'm unable to set the value of the hidden field and my infinite loop never gets to restart.

Am I missing something obvious here? I can't seem to figure out how to get this working.

If anyone has a more efficient method of achieving this I'd also be very grateful if you could share it :-)



5 回答 5



// Give your code a unique namespace using an immediately/self invoked annonymous function
(function (window) {

    // For better management we could use some more variables
    // slider.images.length replaces maxvalue
    var slider = { 
        images: [
        current: 0, // name your variables semantically, we know this is going to have a value so don't 'append' things to the name that are obvious
        time: 5000

    // separated the function so we DRY
    function rotate() {
        // Remember that the images array is 0 indexed and length gives the total amount of 
        // items in the array which will be one more, if they're the same then we reset 
        // current to 0
        if(slider.current == slider.images.length)
            slider.current = 0;

        // Code to do w/e
        console.log(slider.images[slider.current], slider.current);

        window.loop = setTimeout(rotate, slider.time);

    // only thing about intervals really, they never stop, and can never be stopped
    // so better thing to do is use a recursive timeout, and ideally it should be available 
    // somehow so you can stop it outside of the script itself, in this case we put the 
    // reference on window. (which is not ideal, anywhere else it makes sense is better)
    window.loop = setTimeout(rotate, slider.time);

}( window ));

在 jsFiddle 中:


您正在使用 jquery 来做事,这很好,但是您必须传递 jQuery 才能在包装器看起来像这样的立即调用的函数中使用它:(function ($, window) { /* code goes here */ }( jQuery, window ));.

于 2012-05-30T19:51:09.673 回答


while (1==1) 
{ // infinite loop
    for (int i = 0; i < images.length; i++) 
    { // loop images array


于 2012-05-30T19:25:10.500 回答

setInterval 有时无法正常工作。您是否尝试过 setTimeout ?您可以执行以下操作,看看它是否有效:

var images = [

var obj = { currentValue: 0 };
var maxValue = 2;            

function fn() {
  if(obj.currentValue == maxValue) { 
    obj.currentValue = 0;                                           

  // ... Code to fade in currentItem ...



//loop through the items
var infiniteLoop = setTimeout(fn,5000);
于 2012-05-30T19:20:31.487 回答

如果我理解正确,您想在计数器达到 maxValue 时循环遍历。尝试如下所示,

var images = [

var maxValue = 2,
    counter = 0;

var infiniteLoop = setInterval(function() {
    var curIndex = (counter++ % (maxValue + 1));
}, 5000);


于 2012-05-30T19:20:42.250 回答


if(obj.currentValue == maxValue) { 

if(obj.currentValue > maxValue) { 

事实上,它无法处理索引 2,因为它被重置回 0。

于 2012-05-30T19:23:25.610 回答