我正在尝试找到创建系统的最佳方法,在该系统中可以将事件源添加到管理器类中,然后将它们的事件重新分配给侦听器。具体来说,我有许多不同的输入源(键盘输入源、鼠标输入源、虚拟键盘输入源等),我希望开发人员能够监听键盘输入源和输入端的 KeyDown 事件manager 本身(从任何活动输入源中捕获此事件)。


我考虑过使用 lambda,但如果从管理器中删除了输入源,我需要一种方法来解开事件。我可以将 lambda 保存在字典中,由输入源键入,但是许多事件具有不同的 arg 类,并且为此创建多个字典开始变得丑陋。



public interface IInputSource {}

public interface IKeyboardInputSource : IInputSource
    event EventHandler<KeyboardEventArgs> KeyDown;
    event EventHandler<KeyboardEventArgs> KeyUp;

public interface IMouseInputSource : IInputSource
    event EventHandler<MouseEventArgs> MouseDown;
    event EventHandler<MouseEventArgs> MouseUp;

public class InputManager : IKeyboardInputSource, IMouseInputSource
    private List<IInputSource> InputSources;

    //Event declarations from IKeyboardInputSource and IMouseInputSource

    public void AddSource(IInputSource source)

        if (source is IKeyboardInputSource)
            var keyboardSource = source as IKeyboardInputSource;
            keyboardSource.KeyDown += SendKeyDown;
            // Listen for other keyboard events...
        if (source is IMouseInputSource)
            // Listen for mouse events...

    public void RemoveSource(IInputSource source)
        if (source is IKeyboardInputSource)
            var keyboardSource = source as IKeyboardInputSource;
            keyboardSource.KeyDown -= SendKeyDown;
            // Remove other keyboard events...
        if (source is IMouseInputSource)
            // Remove mouse events...


    private void SendKeyDown(object sender, KeyboardEventArgs e)
        if (KeyDown != null) 
            KeyDown(sender, e);

    //Other "send" functions

2 回答 2


你看过Reactive Extensions (Rx) 框架吗?看起来它会满足您的要求,并为您提供丰富的功能/lambda,如 api 来管理和处理事件。

Reactive Extensions (Rx) 是一个库,用于使用可观察序列和 LINQ 样式的查询运算符组合异步和基于事件的程序

于 2012-05-30T19:01:54.190 回答

可能这样的事情会有所帮助 - 这是一种通用方法,既可以直接订阅事件,也可以通过“接收器”接口

interface IInputSource<T> where T : EventArgs
    event EventHandler<T> InputEvent;
interface IInputSink<in T> where T : EventArgs
    void InputMessageHandler(object sender, T eventArgs);

internal class InputManager
    private Dictionary<Type, object> _inputSources;
    private Dictionary<Type, object> _inputSinks;
    private Dictionary<Type, object> _events;

    public void AddSource<T>(IInputSource<T> source) where T : EventArgs
        _inputSources[typeof(T)] = _inputSources;      //add source
        _events[typeof(T)] = (EventHandler<T>)Dispatch; //register event for subscribers

        source.InputEvent += Dispatch;
        source.InputEvent += Dispatch2;

    // Dispatch trough direct event subscriptions;
    private void Dispatch<T>(object sender, T e) where T : EventArgs
        var handler = _events[typeof(T)] as EventHandler<T>;
        handler.Invoke(sender, e);
    // Dispatch trough IInputSink subscriptions;
    private void Dispatch2<T>(object sender, T e) where T : EventArgs
        var sink = _inputSinks[typeof(T)] as IInputSink<T>;
        sink.InputMessageHandler(sender, e);

    //Subscription:  Client should provide handler into Subscribe()
    //or subscribe with IInputSink<MyEvent> implementation (Subscribe2())
    public void Subscribe<T>(EventHandler<T> handler) where T : EventArgs
        var @event = _events[typeof(T)] as EventHandler<T>;
        _events[typeof(T)] = @event + handler;

    public void Subscribe2<T>(IInputSink<T> sink) where T : EventArgs
        _inputSinks[typeof(T)] = sink;
class XXXX : EventArgs

public class Sink: IInputSink<XXXX>
    #region Implementation of IInputSink<in XXXX>

    public void InputMessageHandler(object sender, XXXX eventArgs)
        throw new NotImplementedException();


    public Sink() 
        var v = new InputManager();

    private void GetInputEvent(object sender, XXXX xxxx)
        throw new NotImplementedException();
于 2012-05-31T10:55:15.633 回答