我开发了一种方法,允许您使用 htmlcleaner 从特定类中提取项目,现在我想知道......

如何使用 htmlcleaner 提取 html 中的正文及其所有元素?

public String htmlParser(String html){

    TagNode rootNode;
    HtmlCleaner html_cleaner = new HtmlCleaner();
    rootNode = html_cleaner.clean(html);
    TagNode[] items = rootNode.getElementsByName("body", true);
    html = item_found;
    return html;

String item_found;
public void ParseBody(TagNode root){
    if(root.getAllElements(true).length > 0){
        for(TagNode node: root.getAllElements(true)){
        item_found = item_found + root.toString();// root.toString() only brings out the first name inside TagNode
- In here I wanted just the text of all items in the body but it would still be beneficial for everyone if the question is complete-
        //if(root.getText().toString() != null || !(root.getText().toString().equals("null"))){
            //item_found = item_found + root.getText().toString();

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