file1 = fopen('C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\avatar1.txt'); % open text file
file2 = fopen('C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\avatar2.txt'); % open text file
file3 = fopen('C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\avatar3.txt'); % open text file
tline1 = fgetl(file1); % read line by line and remove new line characters
tline2 = fgetl(file2); % read line by line and remove new line characters
tline3 = fgetl(file3); % read line by line and remove new line characters
% declare empty arrays
CX1 = [];
CY1 = [];
CZ1 = [];
CX2 = [];
CY2 = [];
CZ2 = [];
CX3 = [];
CY3 = [];
CZ3 = [];
while ischar(tline1) % true if tline is a character array
temp = cell2mat(textscan(tline1, '<%n,%n,%n>'));
% convert all the cell fields to a matrix
CX1 = vertcat(CX1, temp(1));
CY1 = vertcat(CY1, temp(2));
CZ1 = vertcat(CZ1, temp(3));
tline1 = fgetl(file1);
while ischar(tline2) % true if tline is a character array
temp = cell2mat(textscan(tline2, '<%n,%n,%n>'));
% convert all the cell fields to a matrix
CX2 = vertcat(CX2, temp(1));
CY2 = vertcat(CY2, temp(2));
CZ2 = vertcat(CZ2, temp(3));
tline2 = fgetl(file2);
while ischar(tline3) % true if tline is a character array
temp = cell2mat(textscan(tline3, '<%n,%n,%n>'));
% convert all the cell fields to a matrix
CX3 = vertcat(CX3, temp(1));
CY3 = vertcat(CY3, temp(2));
CZ3 = vertcat(CZ3, temp(3));
tline3 = fgetl(file3);
fclose(file1); % close the file
fclose(file2); % close the file
fclose(file3); % close the file
plot3(CX1, CY1, CZ1) % plot the data and label the axises
plot3(CX2, CY2, CZ2)
plot3(CX3, CY3, CZ3)
grid on
axis square
rotate3d on; % activate interactive mouse rotation