I have the deployed excel document solution to the server using clickonce. xsd files are not being deployed though i have added these files in my solution and kept the properties as

BuidAction:Content and Copy to Output Directory:Copy Always

on client machine. I have also added xml files which are deployed successfully on client machine in data directory with same properties as defined above.

Also i Have kept the Customization updates(Publish Tab) property to Check everytime the customization runs still when i publish new vwersion i m getting following error

Customization could not be loaded because the application domain could not be created

Any suggessions ?


1 回答 1


使用 VSTO 应用程序和 ClickOnce,您无法像使用客户端应用程序那样指定文件的部署位置。XML 文件会自动部署到 DataDirectory,无论您是否愿意,XSD 文件不会部署到 DataDirectory,它们将包含在本地。

因此,如果您需要将它们包含在同一个文件夹中,我建议您将 xml 文件重命名为 .xml.txt,以便将它们与应用程序的其余部分一起部署,而不是部署到数据目录中,然后让您的加载项启动时重命名它们。那会奏效吗?

于 2012-07-09T04:24:25.340 回答