ID, Time, Size
0 5:00 600
1 8:00 800
2 7:00 100
3 1:50 140
4 2:40 300
12 3:40 300
ID, Time, Size
8 5:00 600
1 8:00 800
2 8:00 900
3 1:50 140
5 2:40 300
12 3:40 300
现在我想比较这两个表:给出表 A 和 B 中 ID 相同的所有行(或者让我们说两个表中存在 ID 的位置)但低于 12 - 这样就会踢出表 AID 0, 4, 12
并从表 BID 8, 5, 12
之后,我将只剩下 3 行。现在我想踢出整个 TableA 行 ID == TableB 行 ID 之间存在一个或多个差异的所有行
ID, Time, Size
1 8:00 800
3 1:50 140
对于这个解决方案,我需要确定相交并且可能是负数。起初我认为这个 SQL 语句会做我想做的事:
select * from TableA where ID < 12 intersect select * from TableB where ID < 12
select * from TableB where ID < 12;
But this is not working that well. Ist because of the intersect, Im using intersect for the whole row, I should use intersect for only the IDs and IF I have the intersect of the IDs (that would be 1,2,3) then I have to use ID TableA with ID 1,2,3
minus TableB with ID 1,2,3
. But how? Or do I miss something? Any ideas? Thank you