I'm trying to codesign and timestamp an airi file. unfortunatley, i am only able to create an air file from this. but i need an apk. using the adt -package sytnax doesn't allow me to use the -tsa (timestamp) option.
so now i have a well signed and timestamped air file. how do i get an apk file from this? i am able to convert it without a timestamp, but then agin google play tells me my apk file needs a certificate ( i have a valid one purchased at globalsign.com) that is valid until 2033.
So i am able to create an apk file without timestamp but codesigned ( not helpful) or an air file codesigned and timestamped (not helpful either), but NOT what i need - an apk file codesigned AND timestamped.
i've searched this site http://help.adobe.com/en_US/air/build/WS901d38e593cd1bac1e63e3d128cdca935b-8000.html but was not able to find something suitable for me.
For my understanding i would say this is waht needs to be done:
Create a native package from an AIR or AIRI file:
adt -package
-target packageType
so what i do is
./adt -package -target apk -storetype pkcs12 -keystore aircertificate.p12 -tsa http://timestamp.globalsign.com/scripts/timestamp.dll myappname.apk myappname.airi
and what it says is:
-tsa option not supported
it doesn't say that when i use adt -sign, but signing only allows me to create an air file.
trying to simple convert my signed and timestamp air file to an apk file WITHOUT codesigning options like this
./adt -package -target apk myappname.apk myappname.air
shows that:
Signing options required to package APK
help please!!!
best regards