rubymotion 是否提供比 monotouch 更好的性能和垃圾收集?

我对两者都感兴趣,除了 IDE 和调试器的巨大价格差异之外,我能否期望 Rubymotion 提供更好的内存管理和速度?


2 回答 2



如果您了解 Ruby:使用 RubyMotion,Objective-C:使用 XCode,C#:使用 MonoTouch。

我认为衡量一个人的优劣是不值得的。我是 C# Windows 开发人员,我使用 MonoTouch。我喜欢在一行代码中解析 XML,使用 Linq、Lambda 表达式等,所以我肯定会想要使用 C#。

如果您习惯 Ruby 来编写其他项目,请使用 RubyMotion。虽然,RubyMotion 是相当新的,所以它可能不如使用 MonoTouch 或普通 XCode 成熟。

在我看来,相比于提高生产力和易于维护(或者如果您不了解 Objective-C,学习曲线更短),使用 Ruby 或 C# 而不是 Obj-C 所产生的任何性能损失都可以忽略不计。

于 2012-06-02T20:26:26.247 回答

Both should have similar performance levels although if something needs to finely optimized you are better off jumping to C or C++ in those cases. RubyMotion uses automatic reference counting instead of garbage collection. Runtime integration is similar, but different between the two. MonoTouch uses wrappers that convert the calling convention to integrate with the Obj-C runtime. RubyMotion can call Obj-C directly. Although technically RubyMotion has its own runtime based loosely on MRI Ruby, it integrates with the Obj-C runtime without overhead and appears seamless. It is similar to how Apple's toll-free bridging works. RubyMotion may be better if you don't like writing wrappers or want to use metaprogramming. RubyMotion does not have an interpreter outside of the simulator. MonoTouch may be more ideal if you are solving a problem better suited to generics or a static type system. RubyMotion has the RubyMine IDE and MonoTouch has an IDE included. Both support debugging. Price is about the same if you count the price of RubyMine.

于 2013-04-07T18:47:39.203 回答