使用 pyexiv2 对照片进行地理标记的最佳方法肯定是使用我的程序 GottenGeography ;-)
但说真的,如果您想从 pyexiv2 访问 GPS 数据,该代码如下所示:
GPS = 'Exif.GPSInfo.GPS'
self.latitude = dms_to_decimal(
*self.exif[GPS + 'Latitude'].value +
[self.exif[GPS + 'LatitudeRef'].value]
self.longitude = dms_to_decimal(
*self.exif[GPS + 'Longitude'].value +
[self.exif[GPS + 'LongitudeRef'].value]
except KeyError:
self.altitude = float(self.exif[GPS + 'Altitude'].value)
if int(self.exif[GPS + 'AltitudeRef'].value) > 0:
self.altitude *= -1
except KeyError:
self.exif[GPS + 'AltitudeRef'] = '0' if self.altitude >= 0 else '1'
self.exif[GPS + 'Altitude'] = Fraction(self.altitude)
self.exif[GPS + 'Latitude'] = decimal_to_dms(self.latitude)
self.exif[GPS + 'LatitudeRef'] = 'N' if self.latitude >= 0 else 'S'
self.exif[GPS + 'Longitude'] = decimal_to_dms(self.longitude)
self.exif[GPS + 'LongitudeRef'] = 'E' if self.longitude >= 0 else 'W'
self.exif[GPS + 'MapDatum'] = 'WGS-84'
class Fraction(fractions.Fraction):
"""Only create Fractions from floats.
>>> Fraction(0.3)
Fraction(3, 10)
>>> Fraction(1.1)
Fraction(11, 10)
def __new__(cls, value, ignore=None):
"""Should be compatible with Python 2.6, though untested."""
return fractions.Fraction.from_float(value).limit_denominator(99999)
def dms_to_decimal(degrees, minutes, seconds, sign=' '):
"""Convert degrees, minutes, seconds into decimal degrees.
>>> dms_to_decimal(10, 10, 10)
>>> dms_to_decimal(8, 9, 10, 'S')
return (-1 if sign[0] in 'SWsw' else 1) * (
float(degrees) +
float(minutes) / 60 +
float(seconds) / 3600
def decimal_to_dms(decimal):
"""Convert decimal degrees into degrees, minutes, seconds.
>>> decimal_to_dms(50.445891)
[Fraction(50, 1), Fraction(26, 1), Fraction(113019, 2500)]
>>> decimal_to_dms(-125.976893)
[Fraction(125, 1), Fraction(58, 1), Fraction(92037, 2500)]
remainder, degrees = math.modf(abs(decimal))
remainder, minutes = math.modf(remainder * 60)
return [Fraction(n) for n in (degrees, minutes, remainder * 60)]
虽然我目前正在研究 pyexiv2 的替代方案,它使用 GObject 内省来更直接地访问 exiv2 库,称为GExiv2,并且希望得到一些反馈。gexiv2 和 pyexiv2 都是同一个 exiv2 库的包装器,但不同之处在于 pyexiv2 是一个非常大的项目,有很多胶水,只能在 python 中工作,并且处于被放弃的边缘*;而 gexiv2 轻巧灵活,可以通过任何编程语言访问,并且由于 Shotwell 的使用而得到很好的维护。
* pyexiv2's author, Olivier Tilloy, has asked me for help with maintainership as he no longer has much time