我想查找项目符号列表的实例,以替换为 html 标记列表。请参阅下面的示例:

my_doc.docx ...

My bullet list:
   • List point one
   • List point two
Some more text here.




My bullet list:
<li>List point one</li>
<li>List point two</li>
Some more text here.


我试过find and replace子弹字符;不起作用,因为它正在格式化。还尝试find and replace了具有“列表项目符号”样式的行以及我能找到的任何其他列表样式;不起作用,(可能是因为我使用的 Word for Mac 看起来有问题)

编辑:我有以下 VBScript 可以在我的文档中找到具有项目符号样式的行。我现在需要这个脚本来重写它找到的最后带有 <li> 标记的行。

Sub FindBullet()
Dim oPara As Word.Paragraph
Dim count As Integer

count = 0
With Selection
    For Each oPara In .Paragraphs
    If oPara.Range.ListFormat.ListType = _
    WdListType.wdListBullet Then

          count = count + 1

            # from here down it gets shaky!!!

            With ActiveDocument.Range.Find
              .Text = #How do i convert the oPara to a string here?!?
              .Forward = True
              .Wrap = wdFindContinue
              .Format = False
              .MatchCase = True
              .MatchWholeWord = False
              .MatchWildcards = False
              .MatchSoundsLike = False
              .MatchAllWordForms = False

              With .replacement
                .Text = # how do i specify this is where i want the "<li>" & oPara & "</li>"
              End With
              .Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll

        End If
End With
'Gives you the count of bullets in a document
MsgBox count & " replacements"
End Sub

1 回答 1


您可以使用(InsertBeforeInsertAfter)在段落中插入文本。这适用于 Word Mac。

Sub FindBullet()
Dim count As Integer
count = 0
Set myStyle = ActiveDocument.Styles("Body text") ' replacement style
bulletList = WdListType.wdListBullet

 ' each list instead of each paragraph of the document
For Each thisList In ActiveDocument.Lists
      For Each p In thisList.ListParagraphs
           If p.Range.ListFormat.ListType = bulletList Then
                p.Style = myStyle ' change the style to "Body text" 
                p.Range.InsertBefore ("<li>")
                Set aRange = p.Range
                aRange.End = aRange.End - 1
                aRange.InsertAfter ("</li>")
                count = count + 1
            End If
MsgBox count & " replacements"
End Sub
于 2012-05-30T20:19:19.213 回答