In google app engine, can I call "get_or_insert" from inside a transaction?
The reason I ask is because I'm not sure if there is some conflict with having this run its own transaction inside an already running transaction.
In google app engine, can I call "get_or_insert" from inside a transaction?
The reason I ask is because I'm not sure if there is some conflict with having this run its own transaction inside an already running transaction.
实际上,这取决于您使用的是 NDB 还是旧的 db 包。尼克的回答仅适用于旧的 db 包。但是,在 NDB 中, get_or_insert() 会加入当前事务(如果有的话)。如果在事务外部调用,它会创建自己的事务。这与此处记录的propagation=ALLOWED 的语义相匹配: https ://