我有两个包含时间序列(unix 时间戳)的 numpy 数组。
想找到差异阈值内的时间戳对(每个数组中的 1 个)。





ts1=np.array([ 1311242821.0, 1311242882.0, 1311244025.0, 1311244145.0, 1311251330.0, 
               1311282555.0, 1311282614.0])
ts2=np.array([ 1311226761.0, 1311227001.0, 1311257033.0, 1311257094.0, 1311281265.0])


现在对于ts2[2] (1311257033.0),它最接近的对应该是ts1[4] (1311251330.0)因为差异是5703.0,它在 之内threshold,并且它是最小的。既然已经配对ts2[2],它们应该被排除在其他计算之外。ts1[4]


abs(ts1[0]-ts2[0]) = 16060
abs(ts1[0]-ts2[1]) = 15820 //对
abs(ts1[0]-ts2[2]) = 14212
abs(ts1[0 ]-ts2[3]) = 14273
绝对值(ts1[0]-ts2[4]) = 38444

abs(ts1[1]-ts2[0]) = 16121
abs(ts1[1]-ts2[1]) = 15881
abs(ts1[1]-ts2[2]) = 14151
abs(ts1[1]-ts2 [3]) = 14212
绝对值(ts1[1]-ts2[4]) = 38383

abs(ts1[2]-ts2[0]) = 17264
abs(ts1[2]-ts2[1]) = 17024
abs(ts1[2]-ts2[2]) = 13008
abs(ts1[2]-ts2 [3]) = 13069
绝对值(ts1[2]-ts2[4]) = 37240

abs(ts1[3]-ts2[0]) = 17384
abs(ts1[3]-ts2[1]) = 17144
abs(ts1[3]-ts2[2]) = 12888
abs(ts1[3]-ts2 [3]) = 17144
绝对值(ts1[3]-ts2[4]) = 37120

abs(ts1[4]-ts2[0]) = 24569
abs(ts1[4]-ts2[1]) = 24329
abs(ts1[4]-ts2[2]) = 5703 //对
abs(ts1[4 ]-ts2[3]) = 5764
绝对值(ts1[4]-ts2[4]) = 29935

abs(ts1[5]-ts2[0]) = 55794
abs(ts1[5]-ts2[1]) = 55554
abs(ts1[5]-ts2[2]) = 25522
abs(ts1[5]-ts2 [3]) = 25461
abs(ts1[5]-ts2[4]) = 1290 //对

abs(ts1[6]-ts2[0]) = 55853
abs(ts1[6]-ts2[1]) = 55613
abs(ts1[6]-ts2[2]) = 25581
abs(ts1[6]-ts2 [3]) = 25520
绝对值(ts1[6]-ts2[4]) = 1349

所以这些对是: ( ts1[0],ts2[1]), (ts1[4],ts2[2]), (ts1[5],ts2[4])
最后两个数组的大小为 9。



6 回答 6


使用numpy Mask arrays输出对齐 Timeseries( _ts1, _ts2) 的解决方案。
结果是 3 对,只有距离为 1 的对可用于对齐时间序列,然后阈值 = 1。

def compute_diffs(threshold):
    dtype = [('diff', int), ('ts1', int), ('ts2', int), ('threshold', int)]
    diffs = np.empty((ts1.shape[0], ts2.shape[0]), dtype=dtype)
    pairs = np.ma.make_mask_none(diffs.shape)

    for i1, t1 in enumerate(ts1):
        for i2, t2 in enumerate(ts2):
            diffs[i1, i2] = (abs(t1 - t2), i1, i2, abs(i1-i2))

        d1 = diffs[i1][diffs[i1]['threshold'] == threshold]
        if d1.size == 1:
            (diff, y, x, t) = d1[0]
            pairs[y, x] = True
    return diffs, pairs

def align_timeseries(diffs):
    def _sync(ts, ts1, ts2, i1, i2, ii):
        while i1 < i2:
            ts1[ii] = ts[i1]; i1 +=1
            ts2[ii] = DTNULL
            ii += 1
        return ii, i1

    _ts1 = np.array([DTNULL]*9)
    _ts2 = np.copy(_ts1)
    ii = _i1 = _i2 = 0

    for n, (diff, i1, i2, t) in enumerate(np.sort(diffs, order='ts1')):
        ii, _i1 = _sync(ts1, _ts1, _ts2, _i1, i1, ii)
        ii, _i2 = _sync(ts2, _ts2, _ts1, _i2, i2, ii)

        if _i1 == i1:
            _ts1[ii] = ts1[i1]; _i1 += 1
            _ts2[ii] = ts2[i2]; _i2 += 1
            ii += 1

    ii, _i1 = _sync(ts1, _ts1, _ts2, _i1, ts1.size, ii)
    return _ts1, _ts2


diffs, pairs = compute_diffs(threshold=1)
_ts1, _ts2 = align_timeseries(diffs[pairs])
pprint(ts1, ts2, _ts1, _ts2)


diffs[pairs]:[(15820, 0, 1) ( 5703, 4, 2) ( 1290, 5, 4)]
           ts1                  ts2                    _ts1          diff          _ts2
0: 2011-07-21 12:07:01  2011-07-21 07:39:21     ---- -- -- -- -- --  ----   2011-07-21 07:39:21
1: 2011-07-21 12:08:02  2011-07-21 07:43:21     2011-07-21 12:07:01 15820   2011-07-21 07:43:21
2: 2011-07-21 12:27:05  2011-07-21 16:03:53     2011-07-21 12:08:02  ----   ---- -- -- -- -- --
3: 2011-07-21 12:29:05  2011-07-21 16:04:54     2011-07-21 12:27:05  ----   ---- -- -- -- -- --
4: 2011-07-21 14:28:50  2011-07-21 22:47:45     2011-07-21 12:29:05  ----   ---- -- -- -- -- --
5: 2011-07-21 23:09:15  ---- -- -- -- -- --     2011-07-21 14:28:50  5703   2011-07-21 16:03:53
6: 2011-07-21 23:10:14  ---- -- -- -- -- --     ---- -- -- -- -- --  ----   2011-07-21 16:04:54
7: ---- -- -- -- -- --  ---- -- -- -- -- --     2011-07-21 23:09:15  1290   2011-07-21 22:47:45
8: ---- -- -- -- -- --  ---- -- -- -- -- --     2011-07-21 23:10:14  ----   ---- -- -- -- -- --

用 Python 测试:3.4.2

于 2017-06-21T18:52:33.700 回答

我不知道您所说的对齐时间戳是什么意思。但是您可以使用 time 模块将时间戳表示为浮点数或整数。在第一步中,您可以将任何用户格式转换为由定义的数组time.struct_time. 在第二步中,您可以将其转换为纪元开始的秒数。然后你有整数值来计算时间戳。

文档time.strptime() 中很好地解释了如何使用转换用户格式:

    >>> import time
    >>> t = time.strptime("30 Nov 00", "%d %b %y")
    >>> t
    time.struct_time(tm_year=2000, tm_mon=11, tm_mday=30, tm_hour=0, tm_min=0,
             tm_sec=0, tm_wday=3, tm_yday=335, tm_isdst=-1)
    >>> time.mktime(t)
于 2012-05-28T18:26:17.413 回答


您正在查看的是分配问题的经典示例。Scipy 为您提供了匈牙利算法的实现,请在此处查看文档。它不必是时间戳,可以是任何数字(整数或浮点数)。

下面的代码片段将使用 2 个不同大小的 numpy 数组以及一个阈值,为您提供成本数组(按阈值过滤)或对应于 2 个 numpy 数组的索引对(同样,成本对由阈值过滤) .


import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import linear_sum_assignment

def closest_pairs(inp1, inp2, threshold=np.inf):
    cost = np.zeros((inp1.shape[0], inp2.shape[0]), dtype=np.int64)

    for x in range(ts1.shape[0]):
        for y in range(ts2.shape[0]):
            cost[x][y] = abs(ts1[x] - ts2[y])

    # cost for the above example:
    # [[16060 15820 14212 14273 38444]
    # [16121 15881 14151 14212 38383]
    # [17264 17024 13008 13069 37240]
    # [17384 17144 12888 12949 37120]
    # [24569 24329  5703  5764 29935]
    # [55794 55554 25522 25461  1290]
    # [55853 55613 25581 25520  1349]]

    # hungarian algorithm implementation provided by scipy
    row_ind, col_ind = linear_sum_assignment(cost)
    # row_ind = [0 1 3 4 5], col_ind = [1 0 3 2 4] 
    # where (ts1[5] - ts2[4]) = 1290

    # if you want the distances only
    out = [item 
           for item in cost[row_ind, col_ind] 
           if item < threshold]

    # if you want the pair of indices filtered by the threshold
    pairs = [(row, col) 
             for row, col in zip(row_ind, col_ind) 
             if cost[row, col] < threshold]

    return out, pairs

if __name__ == '__main__':
    out, pairs = closest_pairs(ts1, ts2, 6000)
    print(out, pairs)
    # out = [5703, 1290] 
    # pairs = [(4, 2), (5, 4)]

    out, pairs = closest_pairs(ts1, ts2)
    print(out, pairs)
    # out = [15820, 16121, 12949, 5703, 1290] 
    # pairs = [(0, 1), (1, 0), (3, 3), (4, 2), (5, 4)]
于 2017-06-18T16:27:25.647 回答

为了获得您的时间序列对,我建议您首先计算您的索引对 ( get_pairs)。然后计算您的时间序列对 ( get_tspairs)。

get_pairs中,我首先计算一个矩阵,该矩阵m表示两个时间序列之间每个点的差异。所以形状的矩阵是(len(ts1), len(ts2))。然后我选择所有距离中最小的。为了不选择多次相同的索引,我设置了所选索引np.inf的距离。我继续这个过程,直到我们不能选择更多的索引元组。如果最小距离高于阈值,则过程中断。

一旦我得到我的索引对,我就会调用get_tspairs以生成时间序列对。这里的第一步是将时间序列与选定的索引元组连接起来,然后添加未选择的索引并将它们关联None(相当于 Python 中的 NULL)。


import numpy as np
import operator

ts1=np.array([ 1311242821.0, 1311242882.0, 1311244025.0, 1311244145.0, 1311251330.0, 
               1311282555.0, 1311282614.0])
ts2=np.array([ 1311226761.0, 1311227001.0, 1311257033.0, 1311257094.0, 1311281265.0])

def get_pairs(ts1, ts2, threshold=np.inf):
    m = np.abs(np.subtract.outer(ts1, ts2))
    indices = []
    while np.ma.masked_invalid(m).sum() != 'masked':
        ind = np.unravel_index(np.argmin(m), m.shape)
        if m[ind] < threshold:
            m[:,ind[1]] = np.inf
            m[ind[0],:] = np.inf
            m= np.inf
    return indices

def get_tspairs(pairs, ts1, ts2):
    ts_pairs = [(ts1[p[0]], ts2[p[1]]) for p in pairs]

    # We separate the selected indices from ts1 and ts2, then sort them
    ind_ts1 = sorted(map(operator.itemgetter(0), pairs))
    ind_ts2 = sorted(map(operator.itemgetter(1), pairs))

    # We only keep the non-selected indices
    l1 = np.delete(np.arange(len(ts1), dtype=np.int64), ind_ts1)
    l2 = np.delete(np.arange(len(ts2), dtype=np.int64), ind_ts1)

    ts_pairs.extend([(ts1[i], None) for i in l1])
    ts_pairs.extend([(ts2[i], None) for i in l2])

    return ts_pairs

if __name__ == '__main__':
    pairs = get_pairs(ts1, ts2)
    # [(5, 4), (4, 2), (3, 3), (0, 1), (1, 0)]

    ts_pairs = get_tspairs(pairs, ts1, ts2)
    # [(1311282555.0, 1311281265.0), (1311251330.0, 1311257033.0), (1311244145.0, 1311257094.0), (1311242821.0, 1311227001.0), (1311242882.0, 1311226761.0), (1311244025.0, None), (1311282614.0, None), (1311257033.0, None)]
于 2017-06-22T11:53:57.467 回答


我的第一个解决方案是不使用 numpy,包括 1)将其所属列表的 id 添加到每个元素,2)按时间戳排序,3)按列表 id 分组,4)构造分离每个元素的新列表并计算需要时的区别:

import numpy as np
from itertools import groupby
from operator import itemgetter

ts1 = np.array([1311242821.0, 1311242882.0, 1311244025.0, 1311244145.0, 1311251330.0, 1311282555.0, 1311282614.0])               
ts2 = np.array([1311226761.0, 1311227001.0, 1311257033.0, 1311257094.0, 1311281265.0])

def without_numpy():
    # 1) Add the list id to each element
    all_ts = [(_, 0) for _ in ts1] + [(_, 1) for _ in ts2] 
    merged_ts = [[], [], []]
    # 2) Sort by timestamp and 3) Group by list id
    groups = groupby(sorted(all_ts), key=itemgetter(1))
    # 4) Construct the new list
    diff = False
    for key, g in groups:
        group = list(g)
        ### See Note    
        for ts, k in group:
            if diff:
                merged_ts[key] = merged_ts[key][:-1]
                merged_ts[2][-1] = abs(end - ts)
                diff = False
                merged_ts[not key].append(None)
        end = ts
        diff = True
    return merged_ts

使用 numpy,过程有点不同,包括 1) 将其所属列表的 id 和一些辅助索引添加到每个元素,2) 按时间戳排序,3) 标记列表的每个切换或更改,4)对先前的标志进行总和扫描,5)计算合并列表中每个元素的正确索引:

import numpy as np

ts1 = np.array([1311242821.0, 1311242882.0, 1311244025.0, 1311244145.0, 1311251330.0, 1311282555.0, 1311282614.0])
ts2 = np.array([1311226761.0, 1311227001.0, 1311257033.0, 1311257094.0, 1311281265.0])

    def with_numpy(): 
        dt = np.dtype([('ts', np.float), ('key', np.int), ('idx', np.int)])

        all_ts = np.sort(
                    [(_, 0, 1, 0) for _ in ts1] + [(_, 1, 1, 0) for _ in ts2], 
                    dtype=np.dtype([('ts', np.float), 
                                    ('key', np.int),    # list id
                                    ('index', np.int),  # index in result list
                                    ('single', np.int), # flag groups with only one element

        #### See NOTE

        sh_dn = np.roll(all_ts, 1)

        all_ts['index'] = np.add.accumulate(all_ts['index']) - np.cumsum(
                            np.not_equal(all_ts['key'], sh_dn['key']))

        merged_ts = np.full(shape=(3, all_ts['index'][-1]+1), fill_value=np.nan)
        merged_ts[all_ts['key'], all_ts['index']] = all_ts['ts']
        merged_ts[2] = np.abs(merged_ts[0] - merged_ts[1])
        merged_ts = np.delete(merged_ts, -1, axis=1)
        merged_ts = np.transpose(merged_ts)

        return merged_ts

有或没有 numpy 的两个函数都会产生相同的结果。可以根据需要进行打印和格式化。哪个功能更好取决于您手头的数据。

注意:如果切换到另一个列表并且只有一个值之后切换回前一个列表,则上面的函数将只保留最后一个差异,可能会丢失一个较小的差异。在这种情况下,您可以在“#### See Note”所在的位置插入以下部分:


if len(group) == 1:


sh_dn = np.roll(all_ts, 1)
sh_up = np.roll(all_ts, -1)
all_ts['single'] = np.logical_and( np.not_equal(all_ts['key'], sh_dn['key']), 
                                           np.equal(sh_dn['key'], sh_up['key']))
singles = np.where(all_ts['single']==1)[0]
all_ts = np.insert(all_ts, singles, all_ts[singles])
于 2017-06-22T17:44:18.717 回答


left = iter(range(15, 60, 3))
right = iter(range(0, 50, 5))

    i = next(left)
    j = next(right)
    while True:
        if abs(i-j) < 1:
            print("pair", i, j)
            i = next(left)
            j = next(right)
        elif i <= j:
            print("left", i, None)
            i = next(left)
            print("right", None, j)
            j = next(right)
except StopIteration:
# one of the iterators may have leftover elements
for i in left:
    print("left", i, None)
for j in right:
    print("right", None, j)


('right', None, 0)                                                                                                                                                                      
('right', None, 5)                                                                                                                                                                      
('right', None, 10)                                                                                                                                                                     
('pair', 15, 15)                                                                                                                                                                        
('left', 18, None)                                                                                                                                                                      
('right', None, 20)                                                                                                                                                                     
('left', 21, None)                                                                                                                                                                      
('left', 24, None)                                                                                                                                                                      
('right', None, 25)                                                                                                                                                                     
('left', 27, None)                                                                                                                                                                      
('pair', 30, 30)                                                                                                                                                                        
('left', 33, None)                                                                                                                                                                      
('right', None, 35)                                                                                                                                                                     
('left', 36, None)                                                                                                                                                                      
('left', 39, None)                                                                                                                                                                      
('right', None, 40)                                                                                                                                                                     
('left', 42, None)                                                                                                                                                                      
('pair', 45, 45)                                                                                                                                                                        
('left', 51, None)                                                                                                                                                                      
('left', 54, None)                                                                                                                                                                      
('left', 57, None)                                                                                                                                                                      
于 2017-06-23T16:10:42.037 回答