I am trying to learn to create 2D games on android, and I have heard that andengine is one of the best tools for that. I tried using it, but unfortunately there I have encountered numerous issues with andengine having little documentation, and no stable place where I can learn things. So my question is that what would you recommend to a completely newbie developer? Should I try learning andengine, or learn things the hard way? And can you please provide some good links to learn? So far a lot of links I found were quite old and would not work properly all the time.

Thanks to anyone for their help.

Also just to clarify, I am middle skilled in 2D game development (especially in java and C++), so I know the basic structure, my main issue is making things run on an android since I am completely new to android itself.


1 回答 1


使用 andengine,您最好的选择是下载、编译和运行示例游戏和示例。通过阅读和理解这些源代码,您将学习如何使用它。特别是这些示例是有效的文档,它们非常好!

于 2012-05-28T15:31:34.020 回答