I need to store values for every day in timeline, i.e. every user of database should has status assigned for every day, like this:
from 1.1.2000 to 28.05.2011 - status 1
from 29.05.2011 to 30.01.2012 - status 3
from 1.2.2012 to infinity - status 4
Each day should have only one status assigned, and last status is not ending (until another one is given). My question is what is effective representation in sql database? Obvious solution is to create row for each change (with the last day the status is assigned in each range), like this:
uptodate status
28.05.2011 status 1
30.01.2012 status 3
01.01.9999 status 4
this has many problems - if i would want to add another range, say from 15.02.2012, i would need to alter last row too:
uptodate status
28.05.2011 status 1
30.01.2012 status 3
14.02.2012 status 4
01.01.9999 status 8
and it requires lots of checking to make sure there is no overlapping and errors, especially if someone wants to modify ranges in the middle of the list - inserting a new status from 29.01.2012 to 10.02.2012 is hard to implement (it would require data ranges of status 3 and status 4 to shrink accordingly to make space for new status). Is there any better solution?
i thought about completly other solution, like storing each day status in separate row - so there will be row for every day in timeline. This would make it easy to update - simply enter new status for rows with date between start and end. Of course this would generate big amount of needless data, so it's bad solution, but is coherent and easy to manage. I was wondering if there is something in between, but i guess not.
more context: i want moderator to be able to assign status freely to any dates, and edit it if he would need to. But most often moderator will be adding new status data ranges at the end. I don't really need the last status. After moderator finishes editing whole month time, I need to generate raport based on status on each day in that month. But anytime moderator may want to edit data months ago (which would be reflected on updated raports), and he can put one status for i.e. one year in advance.