
例如,Temperature sensor有一个温度传感器驱动程序可以从中获取数据。

现在,我的问题是每个传感器响应都有自己的数据对象。我写了以下温度传感器的例子。如何使传感器驱动程序接口统一,所以程序员应该只知道 SensorResonse(不是TempSensorResponse)。

public class TempSensor implements Sensor {

     * Returns a SensorInfo object that describes this sensor.
    public TempSensorInfo getSensorInfo() {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return null;

     * Asks the sensor for a (possibly old) datapoint. Synchronous: returns
     * immediately, even if that means returning an old value.
    public TempResponse getData() {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return null;

     * Asks the sensor for a new datapoint. Asynchronous.
     * @param handler A Handler object to be executed when the sensor has a
     * new value. If this Sensor is event-based, this method starts listening
     * for data, and calls the handler whenever new events are detected.
    public void getData(SensorListener handler) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub



/** * SensorResponse 是传感器在被要求提供某些数据时传递给它的被调用者的响应。它携带传感器数据本身 * 一些关于它的元数据,例如产生此响应的传感器的 SensorInfo *。*/

public class TempResponse extends SensorResponse {

    public TempResponse(TempSensorInfo sensorInfo, TempSensorData payload) {
        super(sensorInfo, payload);
        // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub


2 回答 2




public interface ISensor 
    <I extends ISensor.SensorInfo, 
     R extends ISensor.SensorResponse, 
     L extends ISensor.SensorListener> 

    * Returns a SensorInfo object that describes this sensor.
    public I getSensorInfo();

    * Asks the sensor for a (possibly old) datapoint. Synchronous: returns
    * immediately, even if that means returning an old value.
    public R getData();

    * Asks the sensor for a new datapoint. Asynchronous.
    * @param handler
    *            A Handler object to be executed when the sensor has a new
    *            value. If this Sensor is event-based, this method starts
    *            listening for data, and calls the handler whenever new events
    *            are detected.
    public void getData(L handler);

    public static class SensorInfo { }
    public static class SensorResponse { }
    public static class SensorListener { }


public class TemperatorSensor 
    implements ISensor 

    public TemperatorInfo getSensorInfo() {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return null;

    public TemperatorResponse getData() {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return null;

    public void getData(TemperatorListener handler) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

    public static final class TemperatorInfo extends ISensor.SensorInfo { }
    public static final class TemperatorResponse extends ISensor.SensorResponse { }
    public static final class TemperatorListener extends ISensor.SensorListener { }



public interface ISensor {

     * Returns a SensorInfo object that describes this sensor.
    public ISensor.SensorInfo getSensorInfo();

     * Asks the sensor for a (possibly old) datapoint. Synchronous: returns
     * immediately, even if that means returning an old value.
    public ISensor.SensorResponse getData();

     * Asks the sensor for a new datapoint. Asynchronous.
     * @param handler
     *            A Handler object to be executed when the sensor has a new
     *            value. If this Sensor is event-based, this method starts
     *            listening for data, and calls the handler whenever new events
     *            are detected.
    public void getData(ISensor.SensorListener handler);

    public static class SensorInfo { }
    public static class SensorResponse { }
    public static class SensorListener { }


public class TemperatorSensor implements ISensor {

    public SensorInfo getSensorInfo() {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return new TemperatorInfo();

    public SensorResponse getData() {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return new TemperatorResponse();

    public void getData(SensorListener handler) {
        if (handler instanceof TemperatorListener) {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub

    public static final class TemperatorInfo extends ISensor.SensorInfo { }
    public static final class TemperatorResponse extends ISensor.SensorResponse { }
    public static final class TemperatorListener extends ISensor.SensorListener { }
于 2012-05-28T13:36:51.873 回答

除了 Sensor 类层次结构之外,您很可能还必须创建 SensorResponse 类层次结构。getData() 方法(应在 Sensor 基类中定义)将被定义为返回 SensorResponse 的实例。

于 2012-05-28T13:20:47.390 回答