probably mine is a silly question, but I'm having troubles converting a char value into an int and convert back.
The problem is that I'm trying to decrypt a char value retrieved by an Access DB.
Here is my code
char chrVal = 'M';
int intVal = (int)chrVal; // Output 77 'M'
// Now trying to encrypt using XOR
int encIntVal = intVal ^ 203; // Output 134 '†'
// Convert back
char correct = (char)(encIntVal ^ 203); // Output 'M' - CORRECT
char wrong = (char)('†' ^ 203); // Output WRONG value
The fact is that when I use the int resulting value from the encrypt XOR, I get correct result ('M'). Instead, when I use the char result from the encrypt XOR (that is what I have in the DB), I get wrong result (unreadable character).
I tried to use different encodings but I can't figure out where is the problem.
Any suggestion?
I found that probably the problem is with ADO.NET OleDbDataReader, because (int)Convert.ToChar(dr["Sex"]) gives me 8224 instead of 134, but I can't find a solution yet.
The character '†' is in the Windows 1252 code page. So I get a byte[] with the correct encoding.
byte[] byteVal = Encoding.GetEncoding(1252).GetBytes(dr["Sex"])
char correct = (char)(byteVal[0] ^ 203); // Output 'M'