我有一个相当简单的 GridView。这是列的标记:

                <asp:TemplateField HeaderText="JD Name" SortExpression="FullName"
                    HeaderStyle-HorizontalAlign="Center" ItemStyle-Width="180px" >
                        <asp:LinkButton CommandName="edt" CommandArgument='<%#Eval("JurisdictionID") %>' runat="server" Text='<%#Eval("FullName") %>' />

                <asp:BoundField HeaderText="JD Abbreviation" ItemStyle-Width="200px"  DataField="JDAbbreviation" SortExpression="JDAbbreviation"
                    HeaderStyle-HorizontalAlign="Center" />

                    HeaderStyle-HorizontalAlign="Center" >
                        <asp:LinkButton ID="lnkStat" CommandName="inac" CommandArgument='<%#Eval("JurisdictionID") %>' 
                        runat="server" Text='<%#Utils.GetStatusString((bool) Eval("IsActive")) %>' />


但是,当我单击要排序的列时,它首先触发行命令事件,然后进入排序事件。谁能告诉我我在做什么错误?在 RowCommand 参数中,我得到了 SortExpression。这对我来说真的很有趣!


1 回答 1


Sort是一个row command。查看此 MSDN GridView.RowCommand 事件文章了解更多详细信息。

在您的行命令事件中,您应该添加一个if语句,以便您可以确定应该何时执行行命令代码。使用 e.CommandName。

void ContactsGridView_RowCommand(Object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
  // If multiple buttons are used in a GridView control, use the
  // CommandName property to determine which button was clicked.
    // Convert the row index stored in the CommandArgument
    // property to an Integer.
    int index = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument);

    // Retrieve the row that contains the button clicked 
    // by the user from the Rows collection.
    GridViewRow row = ContactsGridView.Rows[index];

    // Create a new ListItem object for the contact in the row.     
    ListItem item = new ListItem();
    item.Text = Server.HtmlDecode(row.Cells[2].Text) + " " +

    // If the contact is not already in the ListBox, add the ListItem 
    // object to the Items collection of the ListBox control. 
    if (!ContactsListBox.Items.Contains(item))
于 2012-05-28T11:28:49.823 回答