我解决了我的问题。在 PHP OpenID 中使用 AX 的示例:在 PHP OpenID 中使用 AX 的示例
经过 2 天的研究,我刚刚找到了答案(“但是 Google 使用 AX(属性交换)而不是 SReg 来获取其他数据”)。为什么谷歌必须总是如此不同?
但是,该 stackoverflow 答案页面中的代码对我不起作用(我的托管服务器返回 500 内部服务器错误代码)。所以,我在这里发布“我的代码”(太粗糙了):
// Circumnavigate bugs in the GMP math library that can be result in signature
// validation errors
define('Auth_OpenID_BUGGY_GMP', true);
$path_extra = dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)));
$path = ini_get('include_path');
$path = $path_extra . PATH_SEPARATOR . $path;
ini_set('include_path', $path);
function displayError($message) {
$error = $message;
include './index.php';
function doIncludes() {
* Require the OpenID consumer code.
require_once "Auth/OpenID/Consumer.php";
* Require the "file store" module, which we'll need to store
* OpenID information.
require_once "Auth/OpenID/FileStore.php";
* Require the Simple Registration extension API.
//require_once "Auth/OpenID/SReg.php";
require_once "Auth/OpenID/AX.php";
* Require the PAPE extension module.
require_once "Auth/OpenID/PAPE.php";
global $pape_policy_uris;
$pape_policy_uris = array(
function &getStore() {
* This is where the example will store its OpenID information.
* You should change this path if you want the example store to be
* created elsewhere. After you're done playing with the example
* script, you'll have to remove this directory manually.
$store_path = null;
if (function_exists('sys_get_temp_dir')) {
$store_path = sys_get_temp_dir();
else {
if (strpos(PHP_OS, 'WIN') === 0) {
$store_path = $_ENV['TMP'];
if (!isset($store_path)) {
$dir = 'C:\Windows\Temp';
else {
$store_path = @$_ENV['TMPDIR'];
if (!isset($store_path)) {
$store_path = '/tmp';
$store_path = './tmp/';
$store_path .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '_php_consumer_test';
if (!file_exists($store_path) &&
!mkdir($store_path)) {
print "Could not create the FileStore directory '$store_path'. ".
" Please check the effective permissions.";
$r = new Auth_OpenID_FileStore($store_path);
return $r;
function &getConsumer() {
* Create a consumer object using the store object created
* earlier.
$store = getStore();
$r = new Auth_OpenID_Consumer($store);
return $r;
function getScheme() {
$scheme = 'http';
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) and $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on') {
$scheme .= 's';
return $scheme;
function getReturnTo() {
return sprintf("%s://%s:%s%s/oid_ax_receive.php",
getScheme(), $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'],
function getTrustRoot() {
return sprintf("%s://%s:%s%s/",
getScheme(), $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'],
require_once "oid_ax_common.php";
// Starts session (needed for YADIS)
function getOpenIDURL() {
// Render a default page if we got a submission without an openid
// value.
if (empty($_GET['openid_identifier'])) {
$error = "Expected an OpenID URL.";
include './index.php';
return $_GET['openid_identifier'];
function run() {
// https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id
// $openid = 'http://openid-provider.appspot.com/';
$openid = 'https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id';
// $openid .= getOpenIDURL();
$consumer = getConsumer();
// Begin the OpenID authentication process.
$auth_request = $consumer->begin($openid);
// Create attribute request object
// See http://code.google.com/apis/accounts/docs/OpenID.html#Parameters for parameters
// Usage: make($type_uri, $count=1, $required=false, $alias=null)
$attribute[] = Auth_OpenID_AX_AttrInfo::make('http://axschema.org/contact/email',2,1, 'email');
$attribute[] = Auth_OpenID_AX_AttrInfo::make('http://axschema.org/namePerson/first',1,1, 'firstname');
$attribute[] = Auth_OpenID_AX_AttrInfo::make('http://axschema.org/namePerson/last',1,1, 'lastname');
// Create AX fetch request
$ax = new Auth_OpenID_AX_FetchRequest;
// Add attributes to AX fetch request
foreach($attribute as $attr){
// Add AX fetch request to authentication request
// No auth request means we can't begin OpenID.
if (!$auth_request) {
displayError("Authentication error; not a valid OpenID.");
/* $sreg_request = Auth_OpenID_SRegRequest::build(
// Required
// Optional
array('fullname', 'email'));
if ($sreg_request) {
} */
$policy_uris = null;
if (isset($_GET['policies'])) {
$policy_uris = $_GET['policies'];
$pape_request = new Auth_OpenID_PAPE_Request($policy_uris);
if ($pape_request) {
// Redirect the user to the OpenID server for authentication.
// Store the token for this authentication so we can verify the
// response.
// For OpenID 1, send a redirect. For OpenID 2, use a Javascript
// form to send a POST request to the server.
if ($auth_request->shouldSendRedirect()) {
$redirect_url = $auth_request->redirectURL(getTrustRoot(),
// If the redirect URL can't be built, display an error
// message.
if (Auth_OpenID::isFailure($redirect_url)) {
displayError("Could not redirect to server: " . $redirect_url->message);
} else {
// Send redirect.
header("Location: ".$redirect_url);
} else {
// Generate form markup and render it.
$form_id = 'openid_message';
$form_html = $auth_request->htmlMarkup(getTrustRoot(), getReturnTo(),
false, array('id' => $form_id));
// Display an error if the form markup couldn't be generated;
// otherwise, render the HTML.
if (Auth_OpenID::isFailure($form_html)) {
displayError("Could not redirect to server: " . $form_html->message);
} else {
print $form_html;
require_once "oid_ax_common.php";
// Starts session (needed for YADIS)
function escape($thing) {
return htmlentities($thing);
function run() {
$consumer = getConsumer();
// Complete the authentication process using the server's
// response.
$return_to = getReturnTo();
$response = $consumer->complete($return_to);
// Check the response status.
if ($response->status == Auth_OpenID_CANCEL) {
// This means the authentication was cancelled.
$msg = 'Verification cancelled.';
} else if ($response->status == Auth_OpenID_FAILURE) {
// Authentication failed; display the error message.
$msg = "OpenID authentication failed: " . $response->message;
} else if ($response->status == Auth_OpenID_SUCCESS) {
// Get registration informations
$ax = new Auth_OpenID_AX_FetchResponse();
$obj = $ax->fromSuccessResponse($response);
// Print me raw
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
$pape_resp = Auth_OpenID_PAPE_Response::fromSuccessResponse($response);
if ($pape_resp) {
if ($pape_resp->auth_policies) {
$success .= "<p>The following PAPE policies affected the authentication:</p><ul>";
foreach ($pape_resp->auth_policies as $uri) {
$escaped_uri = escape($uri);
$success .= "<li><tt>$escaped_uri</tt></li>";
$success .= "</ul>";
} else {
$success .= "<p>No PAPE policies affected the authentication.</p>";
if ($pape_resp->auth_age) {
$age = escape($pape_resp->auth_age);
$success .= "<p>The authentication age returned by the " .
"server is: <tt>".$age."</tt></p>";
if ($pape_resp->nist_auth_level) {
$auth_level = escape($pape_resp->nist_auth_level);
$success .= "<p>The NIST auth level returned by the " .
"server is: <tt>".$auth_level."</tt></p>";
} else {
$success .= "<p>No PAPE response was sent by the provider.</p>";
include './index.php';
PS:为了完成OpenID的操作,虽然我用谷歌解决了用户信息/登录数据的问题,但我仍然有一个Light OpenID的问题(https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10735708/lightopenid-openid-authurl-不返回任何值)。如果您想帮助我,我们将彻底解决并以 OpenID 的故事结束。