using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace ConsoleApp
class Program
static void Main( string[] args )
var testFilePaths = new List<string>
// inspect in debbuger for correct values
var withSuffix = new DecomposedFilePath( "c:\\files\\file(13).txt");
var withoutSuffix = new DecomposedFilePath( "c:\\files\\file(abc).txt");
var withExtraNumber = new DecomposedFilePath( "c:\\files\\file(34)xyz(35).txt"); // "(34)" in the middle should be ignored
DecomposedFilePath changedSuffix = withExtraNumber.ReplaceSuffix( 1999 ); // "file(34)xyz(35).txt" -> "file(34)xyz(1999).txt"
DecomposedFilePath removedSuffix = changedSuffix.ReplaceSuffix( null ); // "file(34)xyz(1999).txt" -> "file(34)xyz.txt"
var testPath = new DecomposedFilePath( "c:\\test\\file.txt");
DecomposedFilePath nextPath1 = testPath.GetFirstFreeFilePath( testFilePaths );
// update our list
testFilePaths.Add( nextPath1.FullFilePath );
DecomposedFilePath nextPath2 = testPath.GetFirstFreeFilePath( testFilePaths );
testFilePaths.Add( nextPath2.FullFilePath );
DecomposedFilePath nextPath3 = testPath.GetFirstFreeFilePath( testFilePaths );
public sealed class DecomposedFilePath
public DecomposedFilePath( string filePath )
FullFilePath = Path.GetFullPath( filePath );
// "c:\myfiles\file(4).txt"
public string FullFilePath { get; }
// "file" or "file(1)"
public string FileNameWithoutExt => Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension( FullFilePath );
// "file(13)" -> "file"
public string FileNameWithoutExtAndSuffix => FileNameWithoutExt.Substring( 0, FileNameWithoutExt.Length - Suffix.Length ); // removes suffix
// ".txt"
public string Extenstion => Path.GetExtension( FullFilePath );
// "c:\myfiles"
public string DirectoryPath => Path.GetDirectoryName( FullFilePath );
// "file(23)" -> "23", file -> stirng.Empty
public string Suffix
// we want to extract suffix from file name, e.g. "(34)" from "file(34)"
// I am not good at regex, but I hope it will work correctly
var regex = new Regex( @"\([0-9]+\)$" );
Match match = regex.Match( FileNameWithoutExt );
if (!match.Success) return string.Empty; // suffix not found
return match.Value; // return "(number)"
// tranlates suffix "(33)" to 33. If suffix is does not exist (string.empty), returns null (int?)
public int? SuffixAsInt
if (Suffix == string.Empty) return null;
string numberOnly = Suffix.Substring( 1, Suffix.Length - 2 ); // remove '(' from beginning and ')' from end
return int.Parse( numberOnly );
// e.g. input is suffix: 56 then it changes file name from "file(34)" to "file(56)"
public DecomposedFilePath ReplaceSuffix( int? suffix ) // null - removes suffix
string strSuffix = suffix is null ? string.Empty : $"({suffix})"; // add ( and )
string path = Path.Combine( DirectoryPath, FileNameWithoutExtAndSuffix + strSuffix + Extenstion ); // build full path
return new DecomposedFilePath( path );
public DecomposedFilePath GetFirstFreeFilePath( IEnumerable<string> filesInDir )
var decomposed = filesInDir
// convert all paths to our class
.Select( x => new DecomposedFilePath( x ) )
// pick files only with the same extensionm as our base file, ignore case
.Where( x => string.Equals( Extenstion, x.Extenstion, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) )
// pick files only with the same name (ignoring suffix)
.Where( x => string.Equals( FileNameWithoutExtAndSuffix, x.FileNameWithoutExtAndSuffix, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) )
// with the same directory
.Where( x => string.Equals( DirectoryPath, x.DirectoryPath, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) )
.ToList(); // create copy for easier debugging
if (decomposed.Count == 0) return this; // no name collision
int? firstFreeSuffix = Enumerable.Range( 1, int.MaxValue) // start numbering duplicates from 1
.Select( x => (int?) x) // change to int? because SuffixAsInt is of that type
.Except( decomposed.Select( x => x.SuffixAsInt) ) // remove existing suffixes
.First(); // get first free suffix
return ReplaceSuffix( firstFreeSuffix );
public override string ToString() => FullFilePath;