protected $formName;
protected $formClass;
protected $formAction;
protected $formMethod;
protected $formObjArray = array(); //outputs in order. So far it should only take newLine, selectTag, inputTag, textTag.
protected $submitBtnVal;
protected $encType;
function __construct($args) {
$this->formName = $args['formName'];
$this->formAction = $args['formAction'];
if (isset($args['formClass'])) $this->formClass = $args['formClass'];
if (isset($args['encType'])) $this->encType = $args['encType'];
//default should be POST. Hell, you should never really be using GET for this..
//also, the default submit value is Submit
$this->formMethod = isset($args['formMethod']) ? $args['formMethod'] : "POST";
$this->submitBtnVal = isset($args['submitBtnVal']) ? $args['submitBtnVal'] : "Submit";
//get functions
function getFormName () { return $this->formName; }
function getFormAction () { return $this->formAction; }
function getFormMethod () { return $this->formMethod; }
function getSubmitBtnVal () { return $this->submitBtnVal; }
function getEncType () { return $this->encType; }
//set functions
function setFormName ($newName) { $this->fromName = $newName; }
function setFormAction ($newAction) { $this->formAction = $newAction; }
function setFormMethod ($newMethod) { $this->formMethod = $newMethod; }
function setEncType ($newEType) { $this->encType = $newEType; }
function addTag($newTag) {
if ($newTag instanceof formTag || $newTag instanceof fieldSetCont || $newTag instanceof newLine
|| $newTag instanceof noteTag)
$this->formObjArray[] = $newTag;
else throw new Exception ("You did not add a compatible tag.");
$tagID = $myForm->getTagByName("nameA");