有人对此有 PHP 解决方案吗?
此外,英国广播公司(或者是英国广播公司?)已经开始拼写一些名字,比如 Nasa 和 Nato。它让我感到震惊;我非常不喜欢它。但这就是他们现在所做的。什么时候acrynom(或某些人更喜欢称之为“初始主义”)成为一个独立的词?
虽然这有点 hack,但您可以存储要保留大写字母的首字母缩略词列表,然后将字符串中的单词与$exceptions
. 虽然 Jonathan 是正确的,但如果它的名称是您使用的而不是首字母缩略词,那么这个解决方案是无用的。但显然,如果来自苏格兰的麦克唐纳先生是正确的,那么它就不会改变。
$exceptions = array("to", "a", "the", "of", "by", "and","on","those","with",
$string = "While McBeth and Mr MacDonald from Scotland
was using her IBM computer to watch a ripped tv show from the BBC,
she was being watched by the FBI, Those little rascals were
using a NASA satellite to spy on her.";
echo titleCase($string, $exceptions);
While McBeth and Mr MacDonald from Scotland
was using her IBM computer to watch a ripped TV show from the BBC,
she was being watched by the FBI, Those little rascals were
using a NASA satellite to spy on her.
/*Your case example
Hello World Hello World Hello IBM, BBC and NASA.
echo titleCase('HELLO WORLD hello world Hello IBM, BBC and NASA.', $exceptions,true);
function titleCase($string, $exceptions = array(), $ucfirst=false) {
$words = explode(' ', $string);
$newwords = array();
foreach ($words as $word){
// trim white space or newlines from string
// trim ending coomer if any
if (in_array(strtoupper(trim($word,',.')), $exceptions)){
// check exceptions list for any words that should be in upper case
$word = strtoupper($word);
} else{
// convert to uppercase if $ucfirst = true
// check exceptions list for should not be upper case
if(!in_array(trim($word,','), $exceptions)){
$word = strtolower($word);
$word = ucfirst($word);
// upper case the first word in the string
if($i==0){$word = ucfirst($word);}
array_push($newwords, $word);
$string = join(' ', $newwords);
return $string;