我有一个在 Unix 机器上构建良好的项目(http://www.github.com/jhclark/ducttape)。
但是,使用 SBT 0.11.2(和一些其他版本的 SBT),它不会在我的 Mac(OSX 10.5)上构建。我收到以下神秘的错误消息:
$ ~/bin/sbt compile (master*? 20:11)
[info] Loading project definition from /Users/jon/Documents/workspace- scala/ducttape/project
[info] Set current project to ducttape (in build file:/Users/jon/Documents/workspace-scala/ducttape/)
[info] Compiling 104 Scala sources to /Users/jon/Documents/workspace-scala/ducttape/target/scala-2.9.2/classes...
[error] error while loading <root>, error in opening zip file
[error] {file:/Users/jon/Documents/workspace-scala/ducttape/}default-024416/compile:compile: scala.tools.nsc.MissingRequirementError: object scala not found.
[error] Total time: 2 s, completed May 27, 2012 8:12:09 PM
sbt clean clean-files
rm -rf ~/.ivy2 ~/.m2 ~/.sbt
我怀疑真正的错误发生在 SBT 用于依赖管理的 Maven2 中(另请参阅Maven:运行 maven 时打开 zip 文件时出错)。