我有一些带有错误处理的 Python 代码,但由于某种原因,代码似乎仍然无法处理这个特定的错误:

raise GQueryError("No corresponding geographic location could be found for the     specified location, possibly because the address is relatively new, or because it may be incorrect.")
geopy.geocoders.google.GQueryError: No corresponding geographic location could be found for the specified location, possibly because the address is relatively new, or because it may be incorrect.


import csv
from geopy import geocoders
import time

g = geocoders.Google()

spamReader = csv.reader(open('locations.csv', 'rb'), delimiter='\t', quotechar='|')

f = open("output.txt",'w')

for row in spamReader:
    a = ', '.join(row)
    #exactly_one = False

        place, (lat, lng) = g.geocode(a)
    except ValueError:
        #print("Error: geocode failed on input %s with message %s"%(a, error_message))

    b = str(place) + "," + str(lat) + "," + str(lng) + "\n"
    print b

我没有包含足够的错误处理吗?我的印象是“除了 ValueError”会处理这种情况,但我一定是错的。



   def check_status_code(self,status_code):
    if status_code == 400:
        raise GeocoderResultError("Bad request (Server returned status 400)")
    elif status_code == 500:
        raise GeocoderResultError("Unkown error (Server returned status 500)")
    elif status_code == 601:
        raise GQueryError("An empty lookup was performed")
    elif status_code == 602:
        raise GQueryError("No corresponding geographic location could be found for the specified location, possibly because the address is relatively new, or because it may be incorrect.")
    elif status_code == 603:
        raise GQueryError("The geocode for the given location could be returned due to legal or contractual reasons")
    elif status_code == 610:
        raise GBadKeyError("The api_key is either invalid or does not match the domain for which it was given.")
    elif status_code == 620:
        raise GTooManyQueriesError("The given key has gone over the requests limit in the 24 hour period or has submitted too many requests in too short a period of time.")

1 回答 1


现在 try/except 只捕获ValueErrors。要捕获GQueryError,请将except ValueError:行替换为:

except (ValueError, GQueryError):

或者,如果 GQueryError 不在您的命名空间中,您可能需要这样的东西:

except (ValueError, geocoders.google.GQueryError):

或者捕获 ValueError 和以下列出的所有错误check_status_code

except (ValueError, GQueryError, GeocoderResultError, 
        GBadKeyError, GTooManyQueriesError):




但这通常是不好的做法,因为它还会捕获place, (lat, lng) = g.geocode(a)您不希望捕获的行中的语法错误之类的东西,因此最好检查 geopy 代码以查找它可能抛出的所有可能的异常想抓。希望所有这些都列在您找到的那段代码中。

于 2012-05-27T21:03:27.790 回答