
我已经开始开发一款 RPG 游戏。我使用放在 CCLayerPanZoom 上的等距样式图。现在我想在瓷砖地图上定位怨恨。当我单击时,我得到了新 Sprite 在地图上的位置的偏离位置。为什么?层与层之间是否存在滑动?有没有办法将地图附加到缩放图层,以便点击位置与地图上我想要放置新精灵的位置相对应。


这是我的 init() 对于那些想要查看它的人,只需查看包含 Xcode 项目的 zip 即可。这是一个 Kobold2D 项目。我有相同的项目,但没有 CCLayerPanZoom 层。那里的定位工作完美。重要说明:当地图被拖动以使左边缘恰好位于 IPAD 模拟器左侧的边界上时,瓷砖放置几乎可以了。瓷砖放置在正确的位置。

   - (id) init
    if ((self = [super init])) 
    //touches enables
    self.isTouchEnabled = YES;

    //instantiate the PanZoomLayer
    panZoomLayer = [CCLayerPanZoom node];
    //seting poperties for the pan zoom layer
    panZoomLayer.maxScale = 1.0f;
    panZoomLayer.minScale = 0.2f;
    panZoomLayer.maxSpeed = 100.0f;
    panZoomLayer.maxTouchDistanceToClick = 1000.0f;
    panZoomLayer.panBoundsRect = CGRectNull;
    panZoomLayer.mode = kCCLayerPanZoomModeSheet;

    //add the zoom layer to the CCLayer
    [self addChild: panZoomLayer z:-1];

    //if I uncoment this it thros me an error by ccTouchesEnded
    //It has to be commented like this
            //panZoomLayer.delegate = self; 

    self.map = [CCTMXTiledMap tiledMapWithTMXFile:@"isometric-no-offset.tmx"];

    _map.anchorPoint = ccp(0,0);
            _map.scale = CC_CONTENT_SCALE_FACTOR();

    layer = [_map layerNamed:@"Ground"];
    layer.visible = YES;

    [panZoomLayer addChild: _map 
                         z :-1 
            // create and initialize a Label
            CCLabelTTF *label = [CCLabelTTF labelWithString: @"Zooming and scroling Demo" 
                                           fontName: @"Marker Felt" 
                                           fontSize: 30];
            label.scale = 0.7f; //< to be visible on iPod Touch screen.
            label.color = ccBLUE;
            // add the label as a child to this Layer
            [panZoomLayer addChild: label 
                          z: 1 

    _player = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:@"ninja.png"];

    //map size 
    mapHeight = _map.contentSize.height;
    mapWidth = _map.contentSize.width;

    //screen size
    CGSize screenSize = [[CCDirector sharedDirector] winSize];
    screenCenter = CGPointMake(screenSize.width / 2, screenSize.height / 2);

    //Hide/Show character
    [_player setVisible:YES];
    _player.position = ccp(300, 400);
    [panZoomLayer addChild:_player z:2];

    //dot initialization
    self.dot = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:@"d2.png"];
    //_dot. position = ccp(200,200);
    [_map addChild:dot z:3];

    panZoomLayer.mode = kCCLayerPanZoomModeSheet;
    panZoomLayer.minScale = 0.6f;
    panZoomLayer.maxScale = 2.0f;
    panZoomLayer.rubberEffectRatio = 1.1f;

    //test different scren reshapes
    //the zooming and scroling works also without any of the following methods

    //simple. until now the most convenient
    [self updateForScreenReshape1];

    //ruber. means center on screen. zoom out more in as previous
    //[self updateForScreenReshape2];

    //with zones. zoom out more and in less
    //[self updateForScreenReshape3];


return self;

} gBoy 宝贝黑客

帖子:8 加入时间:2012 年 5 月 10 日星期四晚上 7:26 已感谢:0 次 已感谢:0 次


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我没有使用过 Kobold2D(我主要使用香草 iOS cocos2D),但听起来是的,有“层之间的滑动”正在发生。当您将 _map 添加为 panZoomLayer 的子项时,_map 将继承 panZoomLayer 中发生的任何移动。

为了让精灵正确地坐在 _map 图层上,您必须计算从 panZoomLayer 到屏幕中心的位置差异,并使用该值来调整精灵的位置。

当你制作一个新的精灵时,你可以在你的 ccTouch 方法中做一些与此等价的事情:

CGPoint location = [[CCDirector sharedDirector] convertToGL:[touch locationInView:[touch view]]];

[newSprite setPosition: ccpSub(screenCenter, location)];


于 2012-05-30T00:47:37.387 回答