我正在尝试创建一个新表,它是具有匹配主键的 6 个其他表的聚合总和。如果我使用超过 3 个输入表,这会一直停滞不前:
CREATE TABLE table_name AS SELECT table1.timestamp, table1.value + table2.value + table3.value + table4.value AS value FROM table1, table2, table3, table4 WHERE table1.timestamp=table2.timestamp AND table2.timestamp=table3.timestamp AND table3.timestamp=table4.timestamp;
问题:脚本在运行 2-3 个表时运行得相当快(<5 秒),但在其他情况下会停止。我没有尝试过运行超过 5 分钟,但无论如何这对于我的目的来说太慢了。
表格说明:每个表格的格式相同,共有 6 列(其中 2 列是相关的)。主键是整数“时间戳”,“值”是实数。表格大小各不相同,但每个表格大约有 100k 行/条目。这些表大多具有相同的主键,但每个表中都缺少一些数据点,因此从新表中省略这些数据点至关重要。
Ps:这是一个完整的“EXPLAIN ANALYZE”查询的实际输出:
eldb=# EXPLAIN ANALYZE CREATE TABLE test_table AS SELECT count1.timestamp, count
1.year, count1.month, count1.day, count1.period, count1.the_value + count2.the_value + count
3.the_value + count4.the_value + count5.the_value + count6.the_value AS the_value FROM "table_name-1" AS count
1, "table_name-2" AS count2, "table_name-3" AS count3, "table_name-4" AS count4,
"table_name-5" AS count5, "table_name-6" AS count6 WHERE count1.timestamp=count
2.timestamp AND count2.timestamp=count3.timestamp AND count3.timestamp=count4.ti
mestamp AND count4.timestamp=count5.timestamp AND count5.timestamp=count6.timest
amp AND count1.timestamp>2012020000 AND count2.timestamp>2012020000 AND count3.t
imestamp>2012020000 AND count4.timestamp>2012020000 and count5.timestamp>2012020
000 AND count6.timestamp>2012020000;
Merge Join (cost=20323.61..153806457715456.50 rows=5592655588099248 width=44)
(actual time=84.524..3310.692 rows=3410 loops=1)
Merge Cond: (count1."timestamp" = count4."timestamp")
-> Nested Loop (cost=10161.80..4417379579.26 rows=1057606343 width=40) (act
ual time=44.597..1616.585 rows=3410 loops=1)
Join Filter: (count2."timestamp" = count1."timestamp")
-> Merge Join (cost=10161.80..101480.96 rows=6070522 width=16) (actua
l time=43.648..48.950 rows=3410 loops=1)
Merge Cond: (count2."timestamp" = count3."timestamp")
-> Sort (cost=5080.90..5168.01 rows=34844 width=8) (actual time
=25.608..25.804 rows=3410 loops=1)
Sort Key: count2."timestamp"
Sort Method: quicksort Memory: 256kB
-> Seq Scan on "table_name-2" count2 (cost=0.00..1972.66
rows=34844 width=8) (actual time=0.064..23.297 rows=3410 loops=1)
Filter: ("timestamp" > 2012020000)
-> Materialize (cost=5080.90..5255.12 rows=34844 width=8) (actu
al time=18.030..19.847 rows=3410 loops=1)
-> Sort (cost=5080.90..5168.01 rows=34844 width=8) (actua
l time=18.023..18.416 rows=3410 loops=1)
Sort Key: count3."timestamp"
Sort Method: quicksort Memory: 256kB
-> Seq Scan on "table_name-3" count3 (cost=0.00..19
72.66 rows=34844 width=8) (actual time=0.023..16.294 rows=3410 loops=1)
Filter: ("timestamp" > 2012020000)
-> Materialize (cost=0.00..2351.88 rows=34844 width=24) (actual time=
0.000..0.147 rows=3410 loops=3410)
-> Seq Scan on "table_name-1" count1 (cost=0.00..1972.66 rows=3
4844 width=24) (actual time=0.020..16.853 rows=3410 loops=1)
Filter: ("timestamp" > 2012020000)
-> Materialize (cost=10161.80..4007228099.11 rows=1057606343 width=24) (act
ual time=39.917..1687.402 rows=3410 loops=1)
-> Nested Loop (cost=10161.80..4004584083.26 rows=1057606343 width=24
) (actual time=39.915..1685.956 rows=3410 loops=1)
Join Filter: (count4."timestamp" = count6."timestamp")
-> Merge Join (cost=10161.80..101480.96 rows=6070522 width=16)
(actual time=38.689..44.309 rows=3410 loops=1)
Merge Cond: (count4."timestamp" = count5."timestamp")
-> Sort (cost=5080.90..5168.01 rows=34844 width=8) (actua
l time=18.960..19.156 rows=3410 loops=1)
Sort Key: count4."timestamp"
Sort Method: quicksort Memory: 256kB
-> Seq Scan on "table_name-4" count4 (cost=0.00..19
72.66 rows=34844 width=8) (actual time=0.059..17.271 rows=3410 loops=1)
Filter: ("timestamp" > 2012020000)
-> Materialize (cost=5080.90..5255.12 rows=34844 width=8)
(actual time=19.717..21.826 rows=3410 loops=1)
-> Sort (cost=5080.90..5168.01 rows=34844 width=8)
(actual time=19.708..20.266 rows=3410 loops=1)
Sort Key: count5."timestamp"
Sort Method: quicksort Memory: 256kB
-> Seq Scan on "table_name-5" count5 (cost=0.
00..1972.66 rows=34844 width=8) (actual time=0.034..18.001 rows=3410 loops=1)
Filter: ("timestamp" > 2012020000)
-> Materialize (cost=0.00..2283.88 rows=34844 width=8) (actual
time=0.000..0.148 rows=3410 loops=3410)
-> Seq Scan on "table_name-6" count6 (cost=0.00..1972.66
rows=34844 width=8) (actual time=0.036..17.785 rows=3410 loops=1)
Filter: ("timestamp" > 2012020000)
Total runtime: 3330.933 ms
(40 rows)
CREATE TABLE "table_name-6"
"timestamp" integer NOT NULL,
year integer NOT NULL,
month integer NOT NULL,
day integer NOT NULL,
period integer NOT NULL,
the_value real,
CONSTRAINT "table_name-6_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("timestamp" )