我正在尝试使用 lambda 在 pygame 应用程序中实现撤消和重做,但是与引用有关,或者我对实现的理解list.remove()
elif MOUSEBUTTONUP == event.type:
x, y = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
if leftClick:
if len( objects ) > 0 and objects[ -1 ].is_open():
actions.do( \
[ lambda: objects[ -1 ].add( Point( x, y, 0 ) ) ], \
[ lambda: objects[ -1 ].remove( Point( x, y, 0 ) ) ] \
actions.do( \
[ lambda: objects.append( Polygon( ( 255, 255, 255 ) ).add( Point( x, y, 0 ) ) ) ],
[ lambda: objects.pop() ] \
其中 objects 是Polygon
s 的列表,它们被定义为
class Polygon:
def __init__( self, colour, width = 0 ):
self._points = []
self._colour = colour
self._isopen = True
self._width = width
def get_colour( self ):
return self._colour
def add( self, point ):
self._points.append( point )
return self
def remove( self, point ):
print "List contains " + str( self._points )
print "Trying to remove " + str( point )
self._points.remove( point )
return self
def num_points( self ):
return len( self._points )
def get_points( self ):
""" Returns a copy of the points in this vector as a list. """
return self._points[:]
def open( self ):
self._isopen = True
return self
def close( self ):
self._isopen = False
return self
def is_open( self ):
return self._isopen
def set_width( self, width ):
self._width = width
return self
def get_width( self ):
return self._width
def is_filled( self ):
return self._filled
class Point:
def __init__( self, x, y, z ):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.z = z
def rel_to( self, point ):
x = self.move( point.z, point.x, self.z, self.x )
y = self.move( point.z, point.y, self.z, self.y )
return ( x, y )
def move( self, viewer_d, displacement, object_d, object_h ):
over = object_h * viewer_d + object_d * displacement
under = object_d + viewer_d + 1
return over / under
def __str__( self ):
return "(%d, %d, %d)" % ( self.x, self.y, self.z )
def __eq__( self, other ):
return self.x == other.x and self.y == other.y and self.z == other.z
def __ne__( self, other ):
return not ( self == other )
,在第一个片段中,是 的一个实例Action
class Actions:
#TODO implement immutability where possible
def __init__( self ):
self.undos = []
self.redos = []
def do( self, do_steps, undo_steps ):
for do_step in do_steps:
self.undos.append( ( do_steps, undo_steps ) )
self.redos = []
def can_undo( self ):
return len( self.undos ) > 0
def undo( self ):
if self.can_undo():
action = self.undos.pop()
_, undo_steps = action
for undo_step in undo_steps:
self.redos.append( action )
def can_redo( self ):
return len( self.redos ) > 0
def redo( self ):
if self.can_redo():
action = self.redos.pop()
redo_steps, _ = action
for redo_step in redo_steps:
self.undos.append( action )