我最近开始寻找 apache nutch。我可以进行设置并能够使用 nutch 抓取我感兴趣的网页。我不太了解如何读取这些数据。我基本上想将每个页面的数据与一些元数据(现在是一些随机数据)相关联并将它们存储在本地,稍后将用于搜索(语义)。我需要同样使用 solr 或 lucene 吗?我对所有这些都是新手。据我所知,Nutch 是用来抓取网页的。它可以做一些额外的功能,比如将元数据添加到爬取的数据中吗?


1 回答 1


Useful commands.

Begin crawl

bin/nutch crawl urls -dir crawl -depth 3 -topN 5

Get statistics of crawled URL's

bin/nutch readdb crawl/crawldb -stats

Read segment (gets all the data from web pages)

bin/nutch readseg -dump crawl/segments/* segmentAllContent

Read segment (gets only the text field)

bin/nutch readseg -dump crawl/segments/* segmentTextContent -nocontent -nofetch -nogenerate -     noparse -noparsedata

Get all list of known links to each URL, including both the source URL and anchor text of the link.

bin/nutch readlinkdb crawl/linkdb/ -dump linkContent

Get all URL's crawled. Also gives other information like whether it was fetched, fetched time, modified time etc.

bin/nutch readdb crawl/crawldb/ -dump crawlContent

For the second part. i.e to add new field I am planning to use index-extra plugin or to write custom plugin.


this and this

于 2012-05-29T06:47:34.323 回答