
Working in symfony 1.4, with Propel for my ORM (not sure how to find the version of Propel).

In a unit test of an object with a unique constraint in the database, I test for the exception being caught:

try {
  // Shouldn't have saved, so shouldn't have an id
  $t->ok(!$room1a->getId(), "Failed to save duplicate room");
} catch (Exception $e) {
  $t->ok($e, "Threw exception on creating duplicate room");

but if I then correct the duplication and try again, thus

$t->ok($room1a->getId()), "Saved this time");

I get "Unable to get sequence id":

     PropelException: Unable to get sequence id. [wrapped:                
  SQLSTATE[25P02]: In failed sql transaction: 7 ERROR:  current        
  transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction    
  on line 264)  

I've tried recreating the object (i.e. a new Room object) and saving it, with the same result; it appears that there is a state in the connection (?) which needs resetting.

The only way round I've found is to roll back the transaction and begin a new one.


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于 2012-05-26T21:34:50.880 回答