我有一大组数据,我试图用 3D 表示,希望能发现一个模式。我花了很多时间阅读、研究和编码,但后来我意识到我的主要问题不是编程,而是实际上选择了一种可视化数据的方式。
Matplotlib 的 mplot3d 提供了很多选项(线框、轮廓、填充轮廓等),MayaVi 也是如此。但是有很多选择(每个都有自己的学习曲线),我几乎迷失了,不知道从哪里开始!所以我的问题本质上是如果你必须处理这些数据,你会使用哪种绘图方法?
在我粘贴的代码中,我将数据集缩减为几个元素。我只是使用简单的散点图和线图,但由于数据集的大小(可能还有 mplot3d 的限制?),我无法使用它来发现我正在寻找的趋势。
dates = [20110101,20110104,20110105,20110106,20110107,20110108,20110111,20110112]
zAxis0= [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
Actual= [ 1132, 1184, 1177, 950, 1066, 1098, 1116, 1211]
zAxis1= [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
Tops1 = [ 1156, 1250, 1156, 1187, 1187, 1187, 1156, 1156]
Mids1 = [ 1125, 1187, 1125, 1156, 1156, 1156, 1140, 1140]
Lows1 = [ 1093, 1125, 1093, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125]
zAxis2= [ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]
Tops2 = [ 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1250, 1062, 1250]
Mids2 = [ 1062, 1062, 1062, 1062, 1062, 1125, 1000, 1125]
Lows2 = [ 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 937, 1000]
zAxis3= [ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3]
Tops3 = [ 1250, 1250, 1250, 1250, 1250, 1250, 1250, 1250]
Mids3 = [ 1187, 1187, 1187, 1187, 1187, 1187, 1187, 1187]
Lows3 = [ 1125, 1125, 1000, 1125, 1125, 1093, 1093, 1000]
import matplotlib.pyplot
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
fig = matplotlib.pyplot.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection = '3d')
#actual values
ax.scatter(dates, zAxis0, Actual, color = 'c', marker = 'o')
#Upper limits, Lower limts, and Mid-range for the FIRST plane
ax.plot(dates, zAxis1, Tops1, color = 'r')
ax.plot(dates, zAxis1, Mids1, color = 'y')
ax.plot(dates, zAxis1, Lows1, color = 'b')
#Upper limits, Lower limts, and Mid-range for the SECOND plane
ax.plot(dates, zAxis2, Tops2, color = 'r')
ax.plot(dates, zAxis2, Mids2, color = 'y')
ax.plot(dates, zAxis2, Lows2, color = 'b')
#Upper limits, Lower limts, and Mid-range for the THIRD plane
ax.plot(dates, zAxis3, Tops3, color = 'r')
ax.plot(dates, zAxis3, Mids3, color = 'y')
ax.plot(dates, zAxis3, Lows3, color = 'b')
#These two lines are just dummy data that plots transparent circles that
#occpuy the "wall" behind my actual plots, so that the last plane appears
#floating in 3D rather than being pasted to the plot's background
zAxis4= [ 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4]
ax.scatter(dates, zAxis4, Actual, color = 'w', marker = 'o', alpha=0)
我不是数学家或科学家,所以我真正需要的是帮助选择可视化数据的格式。有没有一种有效的方法可以在 mplot3d 中显示这一点?还是您会使用 MayaVis?无论哪种情况,您会使用哪个库和类?