当我尝试cpanp install Text::Markdown::Discount使用 Strawberry Perl 时,我得到

cp lib/Text/Markdown/Discount.pm blib\lib\Text\Markdown\Discount.pm
    ( cd discount-2.1.2; CC='cc -fPIC' sh configure.sh; make )
The system cannot find the path specified.

我看到很多其他人也有同样的问题。可以T:M:D安装在Strawberry Perl 上吗?

您也不能使用 ppm 安装 T:M:D:

PPM> install Text::Markdown::Discount
Install package 'Text-Markdown-Discount?' (y/N): y
Installing package 'Text-Markdown-Discount'...
Error installing package 'Text-Markdown-Discount': Could not locate a PPD file f
or package Text-Markdown-Discount

1 回答 1


我通过以下步骤安装了 Text::Markdown::Discount:

git clone https://github.com/sekimura/text-markdown-discount.git

cd text-markdown-discount/

perl Makefile.PL


make test

sudo make install
于 2018-05-13T20:25:57.413 回答