
<input type="text" id="field" name="image" value="<?php echo @$DuzenleSonuc[0]['image']; ?>" />


  onclick open -> update field
  onclick open1 -> update field1
  onclick open2 -> update field2
  onclick open3 -> update field3
  onclick open4 -> update field4


  onclick open -> updates field
  onclick open1 -> updates field
  onclick open2 -> updates field
  onclick open3 -> updates field
  onclick open4 -> updates field


<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
    $().ready(function() {
        var opt = {// Must change variable name
            url : 'elfinder/connectors/php/connector.php',
            lang : 'tr',
            editorCallback : function(url) {document.getElementById('field').value=url;},// Must change the form field id
            closeOnEditorCallback : true,
            docked : false,
            dialog : { title : 'Dosya Yöneticisi', height: 500 },

        $('#open').click(function() {// Must change the button's id
            $('#finder_browse').elfinder(opt)// Must update the form field id
            $('#finder_browse').elfinder($(this).attr('id')); // Must update the form field id

        $('#open1').click(function() {// Must change the button's id
            $('#finder_browse1').elfinder(opt)// Must update the form field id
            $('#finder_browse1').elfinder($(this).attr('id')); // Must update the form field id
        $('#open2').click(function() {// Must change the button's id
            $('#finder_browse2').elfinder(opt)// Must update the form field id
            $('#finder_browse2').elfinder($(this).attr('id')); // Must update the form field id
        $('#open3').click(function() {// Must change the button's id
            $('#finder_browse3').elfinder(opt)// Must update the form field id
            $('#finder_browse3').elfinder($(this).attr('id')); // Must update the form field id
        $('#open4').click(function() {// Must change the button's id
            $('#finder_browse4').elfinder(opt)// Must update the form field id
            $('#finder_browse4').elfinder($(this).attr('id')); // Must update the form field id
<!-- elFinder -->
<div class="textbox left">
    <h2>Ürün Resimleri</h2>

    <div class="textbox_content">
        <p class="fileupload">
            <label>Ürün Ana Resmi:</label>
        <div id="finder_browse"></div>
        <input type="text" id="field" name="image" value="<?php echo @$DuzenleSonuc[0]['image']; ?>" />
        <input type="button" id="open" class="file" value="Resim Seç" />
        <hr />
        <p class="fileupload">
            <label>Ürün Resmi:</label>
        <div id="finder_browse1"></div>
        <input type="text" id="field1" name="image1" value="<?php echo @$DuzenleSonuc[0]['image1']; ?>" />
        <input type="button" id="open1" class="file" value="Resim Seç" />
        <p class="fileupload">
            <label>Ürün Resmi:</label>
        <div id="finder_browse2"></div>
        <input type="text" id="field2" name="image2" value="<?php echo @$DuzenleSonuc[0]['image2']; ?>" />
        <input type="button" id="open2" class="file" value="Resim Seç" />
        <p class="fileupload">
            <label>Ürün Resmi:</label>
        <div id="finder_browse3"></div>
        <input type="text" id="field3" name="image3" value="<?php echo @$DuzenleSonuc[0]['image3']; ?>" />
        <input type="button" id="open3" class="file" value="Resim Seç" />
        <p class="fileupload">
            <label>Ürün Resmi:</label>
        <div id="finder_browse4"></div>
        <input type="text" id="field4" name="image4" value="<?php echo @$DuzenleSonuc[0]['image4']; ?>" />
        <input type="button" id="open4" class="file" value="Resim Seç" />

1 回答 1



var btnID = $(this).attr('id'); // Btn id clicked
// Process ckick event


$('input[id^=open]').click(function(){    var btnID = $(this).attr('id'); // Btn id clicked});

在您获得 btnID 后添加您的评论,您可以找到使用哪个 finder-browse 的东西,例如:

var $browser;
case 'open':
$browser = $('#finder_browse');
break;case 'open1':
$browser = $('#finder_browse1');

ETC.. }

于 2012-05-25T20:39:36.567 回答