Im using play 2.0 and trying to modularize the project into a subproject. In $project_home, created folder structure ${project_home}/data/app/models/
The Build.scala looks
val dataDependencies = Seq(
val dataProject = PlayProject(appName + "-data", appVersion, dataDependencies, path = file("data"), mainLang = JAVA)
val main = PlayProject(appName, appVersion, appDependencies, mainLang = JAVA).settings(
// Add your own project settings here
I run a play eclpsify command.
In eclipse, I've imported two projects, the main project and the data project.
The data project shows the following error
Project '-data' is missing required library: '/path/to/myprojects/data/target/scala-2.9.1/classes_managed'
What am I doing wrong here? Any help would be appreciated