ESX、KVM 和 QEMU 之间的主要区别是什么?


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Qemu 是一个开源的用户空间虚拟机监视器。它使用二进制翻译来运行客户指令。

Pros : 
1) Has support of helpers which help a lot in debugging
2) Can be used to run guest of a different ISA. (You can emulate an ARM guest on x86 desktop)
3) Does not need hardware support
4) code is available. you can modify it for debugging


1) Slow

KVM 是一个在 linux 内核中实现的开源虚拟机监视器。Qemu 可以使用 /dev/kvm 接口在 KVM 上运行来宾。

1) very fast
2) code is available in the kernel tree. you can modify it for debugging

1) needs hardware support
2) Requires a user level software for interfacing (generally qemu)

VMX 是 VMWare 的虚拟机监视器。VMX 的源代码不是免费提供的。但它同时支持用户空间和硬件支持的仿真。

Pros : 
1) Very easy to use. GUI is good.
2) Fast and configurable. 

Cons :
1) Cannot modify it to obtain more information about the guest.
于 2012-05-26T14:41:58.073 回答