完全是 Unix 和 Apache 世界的新手。

刚刚通过 X-Win32 SSH 在远程服务器上配置并安装了 Apache(据我所知是成功的)。

在 bin 目录中,我看到列出了“httpd”。

要启动 Web 服务器,我提供了有关服务器状态的说明:

从您的安装 Apache 目录类型,'./bin/apachectl start'。

但是,我收到以下错误(11-14 只是显示它在那里):

server.edu(11): ls
bin     cgi-bin conf    htdocs  icons   include libexec logs    man     proxy
server.edu(12): cd bin
server.edu(13): ls
ab              apxs            dbmmanage       htpasswd        logresolve
apachectl       checkgid        htdigest        httpd           rotatelogs
server.edu(14): cd ..
server.edu(15): ./bin/apachectl start
./bin/apachectl: apache/bin/httpd: not found
./bin/apachectl start: httpd could not be started




server.edu(98): pwd

server.edu(99): ls -l bin/httpd
-rwxr-xr-x   1 gmcnulty     28880 May 24 22:12 bin/httpd

EDIT2 @h4b0

server.edu(102): ls
ab              apxs            dbmmanage       htpasswd        logresolve
apachectl       checkgid        htdigest        httpd           rotatelogs

server.edu(103): cd ../..

server.edu(104): ls
ABOUT_APACHE            NOTICE                  README                  cgi-bin                 htdocs
INSTALL                 NWGNUenvironment.inc    README-WIN.TXT          conf                    icons
LICENSE                 NWGNUhead.inc           README.configure        config.layout           logs
Makefile                NWGNUmakefile           WARNING-WIN.TXT         config.status           src
Makefile.tmpl           NWGNUtail.inc           apache                  configure

server.edu(105): ./apache/bin/apachectl start
fopen: No such file or directory
httpd: could not open error log file apache/apache/logs/error_log.
./apache/bin/apachectl start: httpd could not be started

1 回答 1

  • 检查权限httpd
  • apache/bin/httpd真的存在吗?pwd在第 11 行显示目录的输出
于 2012-05-25T06:18:14.577 回答