I am currently using a Google Maps Fusion Table for County information to display the county boundaries for Texas. There are over 200+ counties in Texas. I am looping through an array of values for each county and need to color-code the county based on the value in the array. There are 4 levels of colors for the county: Stop, Warning, Watch and Open. Everything seems to be working, except that the color is only being applied to 5 counties. The limit of styles is 5 and the limit of layers is also 5, but I am only using 1 layer and 4 styles.

Can someone tell me what I am dong wrong? Or is this just not possible via the API?

Below is a snippet of the code:

var styles = new Array();
var ftLayer = new google.maps.FusionTablesLayer();

function loadTexas() {
    for (var i = 0; i < aryCounty.length; i++) {
        styleLayer("'State Abbr.' = 'TX' AND 'County Name' = '" +
            aryCounty[i].County + "'", 1000);
    ftLayer.set('styles', styles);

function loadFusionLayer(state) {    
    if (state != null) {
        where = "'State Abbr.' IN ('" + state + "')";
    var select = "geometry, 'State Abbr.', 'County Name'";
        query: {            
            select: select,            
            from: countyTableId,            
            where: where

function styleLayer(where, actualValue) {
    var color = setPolygonColorBy(actualValue);
        where: where,                  
        polygonOptions: {                              
            fillColor: color,            
            fillOpacity: 0.6           

function setPolygonColorBy(actualValue, divisor) { 
    var status;
    var stop = STATUS_LAYER_STYLES["Stop"].color;
    var warning = STATUS_LAYER_STYLES["Warning"].color;
    var watch = STATUS_LAYER_STYLES["Watch"].color;
    var open = STATUS_LAYER_STYLES["Open"].color;
    if (actualValue >= minValue && actualValue < midValue) {
        status = watch;
    else if (actualValue >=midValue && actualValue < maxValue) {
        status = warning;
    else if (actualValue >= maxValue) {
        status = stop;
    else {
        status = open;
    return status;

2 回答 2


你真的只有4种风格。您需要将每个县的美元价值放入您自己的融合表中。您可以下载US Counties Fusion Table,也许只有 TX 县,然后创建一个新的 FT。然后添加您自己的美元价值列。(更简单更好的方法是将您的 actualValues 与 Counties 表合并,但我不熟悉合并表。您需要您的实际值和 State-County 键值。合并应该创建一个您拥有的新表)

然后,您可以按照Maps FT Docs中的说明创建 4 种样式。


ftLayer = new google.maps.FusionTablesLayer({
  query: {
    select: 'geometry',
    from: countyTable_with_actualValues_Id },
  styles: [{
    // default color
    where: "'State Abbr.' ='" + state + "'";
    polygonOptions: {
      fillColor: open
  }, {
    where: "'State Abbr.' ='" + state + "' AND actualValue >= " + maxValue;
    polygonOptions: {
      fillColor: stop
  }, {
    where:  "'State Abbr.' ='" + state + "' AND actualValue >= " + minValue + "AND actualValue < " + midValue;
    polygonOptions: {
      fillColor: watch
   // Final condition left as an exercise :-)

于 2012-05-25T12:02:23.040 回答


如果您的公司不想将数据推送出去,并且您正在编写一个仅供员工使用的内部应用程序,那么您就不想使用 Fusion Tables。Fusion Tables 中的数据通常向公众开放,并通过以下两种方式之一发布:


2012 年 5 月 25 日评论的后续行动(如果您决定继续使用 FusionTables):


看起来可疑的部分是loadTexas函数和loadFusionLayer函数中代码的顺序。函数中还缺少一个var where声明loadFusionLayer。我不认为它会导致问题(至少在您显示的代码中没有),但它确实无意中创建了一个全局,因此在下面的代码中更正了该问题。我建议进行以下更改:

  1. var fusionTablesOptions在全局空间中创建一个新并用于fusionTablesOptions设置.ftLayer FusionTablesLayer
  2. 更改 的声明var ftLayer,使其分配给:null
  3. 迭代aryCounty数组,构建styles数组,并将其分配给fusionTablesOptions.styles属性。
  4. 分配fusionTablesOptions.mapgoogle.maps.Map命名的现有实例:(并删除函数map中的这行代码:)。loadTexasftLayer.setMap(map);
  5. 分配fusionTablesOptions.queryloadFusionLayer函数中构建的对象。
  6. 现在fusionTablesOptions已经设置了所有必要的属性,创建一个新的实例google.maps.FusionTablesLayer,传递fusionTablesOptions给构造函数。

var styles = new Array();
//Step 1:
var fusionTablesOptions = {};
//Step 2:
var ftLayer = null;
function loadTexas() {
    //Step 3:       
    for (var i = 0; i < aryCounty.length; i++) {
        //Call to the styleLayer function not shown to reduce code size
    fusionTablesOptions.styles = styles;
    //Step 4:
    fusionTablesOptions.map = map;
function loadFusionLayer(state) {    
    var where = null;    //Corrects the missing var keyword
    if (state != null) {
        where = "'State Abbr.' IN ('" + state + "')";
    var select = "geometry, 'State Abbr.', 'County Name'";
    //Step 5:
    fusionTablesOptions.query : {            
        select: select,            
        from: countyTableId,            
        where: where
    //Step 6:
    ftLayer = new google.maps.FusionTablesLayer( fusionTablesOptions );


于 2012-05-25T01:40:02.143 回答