我已按照此处列出的说明:http ://wbond.net/sublime_packages/tortoise#Installation安装 Tortoise 插件。
- 使用包控制>安装包>乌龟
- 控制台似乎安装正确。
我已按照此处列出的说明:http ://wbond.net/sublime_packages/tortoise#Installation安装 Tortoise 插件。
Open: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 2\Packages\TortoiseSVN
检查 TortoiseProc.exe 文件的路径是否正确。这似乎将它连接起来以允许提交和更新。
但是,我仍然看不到 ST2 菜单系统中的包设置。无论如何,现在有点工作。
I had the same issue, but was able to fix it. I also eliminated the: " error: [Error 2] The system cannot find the file specified " and " error: [WindowsError 2] The system cannot find the file specified " dialog boxes from nagging between right clicks.
To get sublime_tortoise package(s) to work with the most recent version of TortoiseGit, I had to tweak the following file (assume you have the default installation paths):
C:\Users\%YOUR_USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 2\Packages\Tortoise\Tortoise.py
Search for the following (Control + F), and change the following:
TortoiseProc.exe <- change to ->TortoiseGitProc.exe (Probably something like TortoiseSVNProc.exe for SVN)
tgit.exe <- change to -> tgittouch.exe (Probably the same for all VCSs)
Also make sure the "C:\Program Files\" is the start of your paths if you are on 32-bit Windows and "C:\Program Files (x86)\" if you are on Windows 64-bit OS
Lastly, be sure to use double slashes where needed in both Tortiose.py and the User - Settings for Tortiose Package Control settings.
这应该让它启动并运行,但是我不确定如果这个插件有任何更新会发生什么,也许在第三步中观看那个 repo 会是一个好主意。
你重新启动你的comp了吗?Tortoise 需要重新启动 GUI 才能工作。