'set the series point color dependent on value and retrieve the best & worst values
Dim bestval As Double = 0.0
Dim worstval As Double = 0.0
For Each pt As DataPoint In cht.Series("MonthPL").Points
'pt.IsValueShownAsLabel = True
pt.Label = "#VALY{C0}"
pt.LabelToolTip = "#AXISLABEL 's P/L is #VALY{C0}"
If pt.YValues(0) < 0 Then
If pt.YValues(0) < worstval Then worstval = pt.YValues(0)
pt.Color = Color.Red
pt.LabelForeColor = Color.Black
If pt.YValues(0) > bestval Then bestval = pt.YValues(0)
pt.Color = Color.DarkGreen
pt.LabelForeColor = Color.GhostWhite
End If