嗨朋友们, 我正在做一个小任务,即让用户能够在输入按键时对 html 元素进行制表索引。
作为 jquery 的新手,我编写了一些代码,在我看来它可以工作,但其中存在一些问题。
罪魁祸首代码,它不起作用,因为 Msg 标签中的输出是“未定义”
$(document).ready(function (eOuter) {
$('input').bind('keypress', function (eInner) {
if (eInner.keyCode == 13) //if its a enter key
var tabindex = $(this).attr('tabindex');
tabindex++; //increment tabindex
//after increment of tabindex ,make the next element focus
$('*').attr('tabindex', tabindex).focus();
**//Msg Label**
//Just to print some msgs to see everything is working
$('#Msg').text( this.id + " tabindex: " + tabindex
+ " next element: " + $('*').attr('tabindex').id);
return false; // to cancel out Onenter page postback in asp.net
Employee Info<br />
Name<br />
<input name="TxtbxName" type="text" value="ok" id="TxtbxName" tabindex="1" />
<br />
Age<br />
<input name="TxtbxAge" type="text" id="TxtbxAge" tabindex="2" />
<br />
Gender<br />
<select name="DdlGender" id="DdlGender" tabindex="3">
<option selected="selected" value="Male">Male</option>
<option value="Female">Female</option>
<br />
Previous Employment<br />
<select name="DdlCompany" id="DdlCompany" tabindex="4">
<option selected="selected" value="0">Folio3</option>
<option value="1">Null Soft</option>
<option value="2">Object Soft</option>
<option value="3">Excepption Soft</option>
or Enter Code
<input name="TxtbxCompanyCode" type="text" id="TxtbxCompanyCode" tabindex="5" />
<br />
Address<br />
<input name="TxtbxAddress" type="text" id="TxtbxAddress" tabindex="6" />
<br />
<input type="submit" name="BtnSubmit" value="Submit" id="BtnSubmit" tabindex="7"/>
<br />
<label id="Msg">Message here</label>