/// <summary>
/// Return the integral from a to b of function f
/// using the left hand rule
/// </summary>
public static double IntegrateLeftHand(double a,
double b,
Func<double,double> f,
int strips = -1) {
if (a >= b) return -1; // constraint: a must be greater than b
// if strips is not provided, calculate it
if (strips == -1) { strips = GetStrips(a, b, f); }
double h = (b - a) / strips;
double acc = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < strips; i++) { acc += h * f(a + i * h); }
return acc;
/// <summary>
/// Return the integral from a to b of function f
/// using the midpoint rule
/// </summary>
public static double IntegrateMidPoint(double a,
double b,
Func<double, double> f,
int strips = -1) {
if (a >= b) return -1; // constraint: a must be greater than b
// if strips is not provided, calculate it
if (strips == -1) { strips = GetStrips(a, b, f); }
double h = (b - a) / strips;
double x = a + h / 2;
double acc = 0.0;
while (x < b)
acc += h * f(x);
x += h;
return acc;
/// <summary>
/// Return the integral from a to b of function f
/// using trapezoidal rule
/// </summary>
public static double IntegrateTrapezoidal(double a,
double b,
Func<double, double> f,
int strips = -1) {
if (a >= b) return -1; // constraint: a must be greater than b
// if strips is not provided, calculate it
if (strips == -1) { strips = GetStrips(a, b, f); }
double h = (b - a) / strips;
double acc = (h / 2) * (f(a) + f(b));
for (int i = 1; i < strips; i++) { acc += h * f(a + i * h); }
return acc;
private static int GetStrips(double a,
double b,
Func<double, double> f) {
int strips = 100;
for (int i = (int)a; i < b; i++)
strips = (strips > f(i)) ? strips : (int)f(i);
return strips;
Console.WriteLine("w/ strips:{0}", IntegrateLeftHand(0, 3.14, Math.Sin, 1440));
Console.WriteLine("without strips:{0}", IntegrateMidPoint(0, 30, x => x * x));
// or with a defined method for f(x)
public static double myFunc(x) { return x * (x + 1); }
Console.WriteLine("w/ strips:{0}", IntegrateLeftHand(0, 20, myFunc, 200));