I have a content type that is used as a questionnaire to ask about the users personal story. I read webform vs. content type. It seems that content type will work better for my needs.

I am using the questions as the label of custom fields in my content type. But, the Label field is limited to the number of character.

I can follow step by step well. Have a little familiarity with php and phpmyadmin if I have to go there.

Thanks in advance.


1 回答 1


嗯,这很容易做到。只需使用描述作为您的问题。默认情况下,它看起来颜色浅且小。所以使用 CSS 来格式化它并隐藏标签字段。而已。完毕。

于 2012-07-06T14:15:05.147 回答